day 2 of not eating fast food for a month

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40 replies
  1. Kass
    Kass says:

    Oooooh girl that steak!! I wish I could cook as good as you do! My fiancé is usually the one who cooks but watching your videos gives me motivation to try to cook more & try new foods, so thank you!! 🫶🏻💞

  2. Veronica P.m
    Veronica P.m says:

    I though I wasn’t that person until my google maps on my iPhone showed me I stopped at 11 fast food places with pictures of the location this month. First of all google I didn’t ask.

  3. benzosiara
    benzosiara says:

    im sooo proud of you for taking on this challenge!! its amazing to watch you recover and overcome different problems ^^
    tbh i barely ever eat fast food (like once a year?) and once i stopped, i just didnt crace it any more. its addictive because of the additional styff in it, but once you go put of that cycle, it gets easier to not eat it! after a week or so youll probably crave it much less 🙂 after not eating it for so long i dont even really like it as much as i used to, so i think its a good idea to try at least for a month, itll definitely make your body happy!

  4. Antonio Veloz
    Antonio Veloz says:

    Try heating up the tortillas directly on the grill of the stove… make sure to flip them to prevent burning. No pan. The direct flame will leave little burnt spots making it taste better. It’s how I’ve done it all my life. Mexican household life

  5. Gemma W
    Gemma W says:

    Lol I'm still big and we rarely eat fast food 😭 the only takeaway we have in my town is Macca's or subway thats still 10 minutes away, unless I go into the town that's 45 minutes away for more choices


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