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DANIEL FAST MEAL AT THE DOLLAR TREE! 0:00 Introduction 1:25 Store Walkthrough 4:28 Recipe Let me help you transform …

15 replies
  1. patty piper
    patty piper says:

    This is great I have done it before so I love to learn new recipes. Thank you so much, I gleamed from your video. It's true this clears your mind, to hear from the Lord, along with prayers. I'm excited to see more of your videos. Blessings to you and your hubby!!!!

  2. Rhonda Minter
    Rhonda Minter says:

    Most Christian churches particpate in The Daniel Fast for 21 days.. from the ground to the table…no meat…no seafood….no sugar..no carbs…no sweets..no sugar including Honey…etc..check it out…you must include Prayer otherwise it becomes a diet

  3. Vickie Patterson
    Vickie Patterson says:

    A great first meal of Daniel Fast! ❣️
    I don't think I've ever cooked dried black beans before. I've used the canned ones many times. But down in Texas, pinto beans are abundant. In fact, in most of our grocery stores you can buy them in bulk. But pinto beans are in most Mexican food. And cumin pairs perfectly with pinto beans.
    Rice is always included in most Mexican food as well.
    So making a meal with pinto beans and rice is second nature to us. 😉
    Great start to Daniel Fast! Can't wait to see the rest of the week. 😁
    Thanks for sharing another great video! 🥰

  4. Jen
    Jen says:

    You can make a chili kidney bean, onions, tomato, garlic, 1 can green chilies,bell peppers ,paprika, cumin salt and pepper, cayenne, dried oregano, vegetable broth. Top with avacodo, Optional corn, sweet potato, a squeeze of lime.

  5. Squisitissima
    Squisitissima says:

    I've never heard of the Daniel fast. It was interesting to hear about it and see you make a recipe that is compliant, particularly from DT! If you leave your frozen veggies in the pan the water will eventually evaporate and you can get a title bit of color on them which I think would be much tastier (at least in my opinion). Thanks for sharing.


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