Daiya vs Annie’s Vegan Mac and Cheese | Review + Mukbang! 먹방

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Hey guys! This week I am doing a vegan mac and cheese mukbang!! YAY. I will review Daiya and Annie’s vegan macaroni and …

33 replies
  1. The Hunger Diaries TV
    The Hunger Diaries TV says:

    Hey guys!! Thanks so much for watching! In next week's video, I will be doing a Q&A, so if you have any questions for me, please comment them below! Also, make sure you watch for the giveaway in the video for a chance to win a box of each type of mac and cheese I reviewed here! Thanks again for watching guys!! xoxoxxoxo

  2. Cole
    Cole says:

    It's funny cuz I wasn't a big fan of Daiya's mac.
    Then I tried AMY's (not Annie's) frozen mac (which apparently uses Daiya?????) and I loved it!

  3. gav w
    gav w says:

    Don’t know how to did the gluten free Annie’s one. I made it last week and had to throw it out purely because of the disgusting smell LOL

  4. lightdark00
    lightdark00 says:

    I had to stop watching, the audio is including your chewing sounds :/ Nothing wrong with them, it's just not something I want to hear. I just wanted to hear the review of each.

  5. N HR
    N HR says:

    I watched parts of this until I realised you weren’t vegan. Why would a meat/animal products eater advise vegans on what to eat??? You’re the last person I’d want advice from!

  6. Jessica Raewood
    Jessica Raewood says:

    When I was vegetarian for 3 years, I lived on Daiya EVERYTHING. It's not bad, but it is NOT cheese. Cheese is amazing, but I still limit it for the most part. It's just so inflammatory.

  7. Marissa Roest
    Marissa Roest says:

    First off, I freaking love you, it's great to see someone my age having fun like this! Just wondering if you have figured out what's going on with your health yet? I went through a whole thing with feeling somewhat how you explained you're feeling. Have you and an endoscopy and colonoscopy? They can definitely help with finding out alot or show if you're body in those areas are just fine. Since I do have anxiety I know that for sure anxiety can cause a whole crapload of things to happen to your body like pain, headaches, tiredness, nausea, indigestion, breathing difficulties and a bunch more. There's also gallbladder problems, gastritis, IBS, IBSD, bipolar disorder, endometriosis, PCOS and CFS your doctors could look into. Just wanted to help if you're still going through this. Totally ignore all of this if I came off badly or you're doing better (which I hope you are!) Thanks for being so awesome! I love your channel!


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