Cured Pork Belly Recipe (Cantonese Lap Yok)

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49 replies
  1. frydi k
    frydi k says:

    halo, saya sangat suka dengan video anda mengenai resep ini, ada beberapa pertanyaan yang mungkin jika berkenan bisa anda bantu untuk jelaskan.
    1. setelah di dehidrasi bisakah kita hanya menggantungnya begitu saja untuk tetap menjaga agar tetap awet jika tidak ada ruangan pengasapan? atau cara terbaik di lapisi kertas lalu simpan di freezer untuk tahan tahunan?
    2. saya pernah buat dengan metode jemur dan hasilnya sudah kering terdehidrasi, tapi bagian kulitnya jadi kering dan keras serta alot sehingga sulit dimakan, apakah daging harus di rebus lama agar tekstur kembali kenyal dan lembut sebelum diolah?
    terima kasih 🙂

  2. Craig Doughty
    Craig Doughty says:

    Hiii, first time making and just a very quick question if I may ask. My batch has a lot of fat seeming to form now it's fermenting in the fridge. Is this ok? Yours looks fantastic and can't wait to try it. Thanks for all the reciepes I really enjoy them

  3. iamafractal
    iamafractal says:

    It makes a great deal of sense to use a curing chamber, where temperature and humidity can be controlled accurately. Luckily I have curing chambers so I’ll give this one a try! I do think I’ll add garlic and ginger though. I hope that’s traditional.

  4. J Chang
    J Chang says:

    Hi there, what if instead of using the oven to dry them up I hang the strips at sunlight? The same way I make Lap Cheong. I live in a tropical country and we always have sunlight mostly all year long.

  5. Ja Fo
    Ja Fo says:

    I made a batch of lap yuk about 6 weeks ago with pork butt. After 10 days of fermentation, I took a piece of lap and cooked it for consumption because I couldn't wait any longer. The lap yuk was good but it lack a "certain" something. To make a long story short, let your lap yuk go through the fermentation of at least 4 weeks as Mandy had prescribed, I have notice that the texture , the color as well as the fragrance when cooked is much more superior than the 10 day lap yuk I had cooked previously.

    Mandy, thanks for your recipe. The lap yuk was most delicious, and I planned to make a big batch for gifts over the holiday!!!

  6. Lailing Lee
    Lailing Lee says:

    I used your recipe made lap yok with 10 lbs no skin pork belly. They turned out amazing tasty! My hubby said better than store bought. Thank you very much for your sharing and I will definitely try out more of your delicious menu!,😋😋😋👍👍👍

  7. Xiao..
    Xiao.. says:

    I don't know why but I still remember when I'm still a child I've seen seen something like that hanging in our stove where my grandfather and grandmother lives but they only used salted meat and pierced it with a stick then hanged it.. moreover we aren't chinese either we are from philipines and we called the dried meat etag.

  8. Sasikumar R
    Sasikumar R says:

    A dehydrator is the best for this as it has both heating and ventilation available. Smoking may give the meat a nice smokey flavor but smoke is harmful (carcinogenic). Nitrates and nitrites are also well known to cause cancer. Not adding nitrites (only salt) and using a dehydrator (instead of smoking) makes it completely safe.

  9. Angie Maatje
    Angie Maatje says:

    I've been watching this video and your sausage video for 100th time orso and i am planning to start some curing my self next week. I have a bottle orange liquer with 40% alcohol content i think i will use sinds the small dutch country Village i live in does not have a asian store i think it will make for a good substetute. Love your video's by the way


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