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33 replies
  1. Nikki Barbara
    Nikki Barbara says:

    Hey fam oh my goodness I have had a great week so far hence why I'm just now watching the video from a couple days ago food looks so amazing that I just ordered some myself for me and my son and speaking of I now have a teenager his birthday was yesterday January 20th turned 13 I can't believe I'm raising a teenager again when I say again it's because my daughter turned 21 in September and now I'm back to the teenage years again! But they're going to be amazing my little baseball player actually not so little he's almost as tall as me and I'm 5'8 he's got one more inch to be as tall as me at only 13 anyways I just wanted to stop in and say hi I haven't wrote anything in a minute let you know I'm still here I will not ever go away cuz you never say never! Tell the construction workers hello that their family is loved more than they could ever imagine have a blessed weekend hope baby girl had a very good doctor's appointment stay blessed stay happy!

  2. Joyce Merritt
    Joyce Merritt says:

    Good video! Cicely Tyson was an example to what you said Deb. She died last year, 1/28/2021, at the age of 97. She was a great actress for many decades and help tare down many racial barriers, along the way. She was not considered to be an “American Auntie!” However, she was according to African Americans. This is the country we live in, very divided and going in the wrong direction! BUT, God is in control, and biblical prophesies are unfolding. 🙏🏽🙏🙏🏾🙏🏻🙏🏿🙏🏼

  3. Candice Pittman
    Candice Pittman says:

    I did the same thing Jas cooking at my moms house. She always uses the pour side and it was open. So I opened the sift side, now both sides are open and I’m shaking it on the food next thing I know the food looks black on top.


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