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Welcome back to Amber at Home! We have some really easy crock pot freezer meals. These freezer meals are great because not …

26 replies
  1. The Brod Abode Deb Brod
    The Brod Abode Deb Brod says:

    Thank you so much Amber. I have never done crockpot freezer meals before. I've been married nearly 49 years! Do you just dump it straight into the crockpot from the freezer? I may become a nut about these things, lol. xoxTX

  2. Rachel Resets
    Rachel Resets says:

    I agree, it's definitely nice to only dirty the kitchen once. It's one of the many reasons I love freezer meals. That, and also I never have to worry about having all the ingredients for the meal then. 🥰

  3. Erin Garceau
    Erin Garceau says:

    Freezer meals would be so easy for me being one person. But I'd be very leery with cooking frozen raw chicken because a lot of times if you're cooking chicken from frozen it will not come up to correct temperature. Crock-Pot then that way I know it will come up to the correct cooked temperature

  4. Dee Ferry
    Dee Ferry says:

    Great meals Amber. There are only 2 of us so food is a relaxed affair. I don't meal plan, well I work out what we're having for the week but not on any particular day, we choose that morning, I prep in the morning and cook at night. So I never know from one week to the next what we're having, so therefore don't do freezer meals but I do freeze leftovers like Bolognese, chilli etc. Thanks for the inspiration xxx

  5. Sonya M
    Sonya M says:

    I really enjoy your channel. During the week, I just want to heat something up, so I'll freeze an extra portion. My problem is not thinking ahead and moving something from the freezer to the refrig, so it defrosts. At this point my freezer is full but nothing to heat and eat. Any suggestions for a knuckle-head. These meals you froze for the crockpot, do you defrost them before putting them in the crockpot? Thanks!

  6. Sherry D
    Sherry D says:

    Good ideas Amber. I used to prep and probably should again. As I get older and have chronic pain and fatigue I just got out of the habit. Might help me to do it all at once for the week though. Always enjoy your videos! Blessings from Diane in bitter cold, icy Oklahoma! ❤️


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