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Crock Pot Beef Stew Using the Potatoes from my harvest this year in the Tater Wars. Yall check out PAPA TEXAS and his video where he opened up his tater …

33 replies
  1. Shlisa Shell
    Shlisa Shell says:

    I love doing this. I used to set up my crock pot b4 work on Saturdays and come home… Ssssssiff! Mmmm mmm mmm… Poor PAPA Texas. We'll never get to see what he could have made. Oh, and by the way… I add fresh or frozen green beans and barley! Goooood Roast Calvin!

  2. Alice the Gmaw
    Alice the Gmaw says:

    That roast looks delicious! Thanks for showing us how you make yours in the crockpot. Hope the rain abates so you can get back to cooking outside on the corner with the cast iron and such. There's just something about watching people cooking over a fire that makes my belly growl for a taste of something gooooood! Have an awesome Fourth CC72!


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