Crock Pot Bacon Egg Cheese Casserole

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This Crock Pot Bacon Egg Cheese Casserole is a great breakfast that will feed the whole family. Filled with bacon, eggs, and …

20 replies
  1. Homemade Humble
    Homemade Humble says:

    Although you forgot your C-pap machine, i was glad to see you found a positive in your day by still watching your church service. He's watching over you and he's proud of your journey thus far as are all of us, the effort is really showing.

    This one is going into the food bank for my Sunday family breakfasts closer to Christmas! Sending all my love to the Goode family- Have a blessed day.

  2. Serena
    Serena says:

    Hi Mikey, you are so sweet to make breakfast for everyone while they’re still sleeping 😊 that looks soo good, I’m making that for breakfast tomorrow, yummy. Love you guys 😊

  3. NJ Hill
    NJ Hill says:

    OHNooooooooes! No C-PAP?! Yep, I can totally relate to that one.
    Wait… they're still sleeping with the smell of bacon going on???? NOT ME! That's definitely a "wake up" call for me. Bacon drippings vs butter vs margarine (<—- YUCK)! I'd pick bacon drippings 1st then butter, never margarine. I pick my poison. Been cooking with bacon drippings all my cooking life which amounts to about 50+ yrs. 🙂
    Awwwww, you had to wake Cris up to find the pepper… and awwww it looks like the cheese all bundled up in the center? But, OMG… it looks soooo good! And, glad y'all got take your church with ya!

  4. Kim Honeycutt
    Kim Honeycutt says:

    Sorry you didn't have your c-pap, hope you get some good sleep at home. Aren't you a great hubby to get breakfast and coffee going. Casserole looks delish!! Isn't it wonderful you can "attend" your church while away! Y'all are making great memories, Miss Add will carry them throughout her life. Love y'all and the Crock Posse!

  5. Pam Hall
    Pam Hall says:

    We use to go camping years ago…miss it. Wish we would have known about you all back then, so we void have made all your recipes! We always took our crock pot with us,as they are a Must when you camp. 😉👍❤️🌵


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