Crispy AIR FRYER Pork Chops Recipe!

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It’s easy to incorporate pork into your healthy diet. Visit to learn more!☆ Thanks to National Pork Board for sponsoring this video!

33 replies
  1. Darling Wolfy
    Darling Wolfy says:

    I just found your channel yesterday…. THANK YOU!! I have been cooking for years and have grown-ish kids whocould really use your input( if they so choose). But ALL of us would definitely benefit from your info. So easy, simple, and as you put it "kooky". I love it! Keep up the great work!

  2. R Oki
    R Oki says:

    Ooooh we're! That dressing is delicious. I just made it this morning! I swapped the dijon for some Maille Old Style mustard as that is what I had on hand and the rice vinegar for Marin. Everything else as written and ooooh I'm so in love. Thank you for the amazing recipe.

  3. R Oki
    R Oki says:

    The truth!! Yes So happy you gave those statements about the temp and cooking for pork! I say how lean it is all the time and folks don't believe me!

  4. R Oki
    R Oki says:

    Hey Alyssia, I am so behind on watching your videos I have been busy. (bought a house) LOVE the new hair color so fun!
    I am so happy to see you have airfryer recipes! I got one too! The Power XL withe ht 3 racks!! Now lets talk about that yummy drool worthy salad!!!! Perfect pairing that I will try soon!

  5. Anieka Johnson
    Anieka Johnson says:

    OMG AIRFRYER RECIPEEESSSS!!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!! Have you tried airfrying brussel sprouts??? They end up like brussel sprout chips all cispeh and crunchaaayyyy…Would love to try an 'Alyssia spin' on those! I often meal prep family packs of chicken (cause it's cheaper to buy in bulk) with different seasonings in bags with two pieces, let it marinate for at least 30 mins before putting it in the freezer. When I'm ready to cook a bag, I just grab a bag, dump it 34 mins on 360 (separating and flipping ever 10-15 mins) and they are all crispeh and purdy!! Would love to get some yummy veggie options, like veggie chips or something or veggie tots. I'M SO EXCITEDDD!!! Would love to see what other meal prep options I could use. So far it's just chicken…I mean, it's good chicken…but it's just chicken. You're the best!!! Have I mentioned that I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS???? ….cause I am. Great job! 🙂


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