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I make mango & passionfruit ripple ice cream, so simple and perfect for summer! PLANTS ONLY NECKLACE …

28 replies
  1. Brissieskater1
    Brissieskater1 says:

    Back in January 2022 I had to remove dairy from my diet on medical advice as it is just too rich. So I've been gravitating towards Vegan Ice Cream and yes, I do like the coconut flavour, however it can be quite strong and rich as well, but everything in moderation and no reactions to the Coconut. As the months are becoming warmer in Queensland, Australia I will soon be experimenting your recipe, again I do sincerely thank you for posting this video.

  2. Hetal Pandya
    Hetal Pandya says:

    Thank you for the recipe but one thing I must mention here, if we heat up coconut milk, it’ll get converted to fat and become unhealthy, please please can you share the recipe without heating it up? 😊

  3. Saronn Pov
    Saronn Pov says:

    Omg mango and passion fruit and coconut are my favs!!… one ingredient thing I would change is use arrowroot starch instead of corn starch. Also turn coconut can upside down and open.

  4. DuBaDuBeDu
    DuBaDuBeDu says:

    “Mix SOME non dairy milk with SOME corn flour and SOME castor sugar”
    Me who already started and has no idea wtf to do now cuz idk how much to use of anything: 🙃🔫

  5. JoSachSevak Kaur
    JoSachSevak Kaur says:

    I really enjoy all of Gaz's videos but I do enjoy reading cookbooks – so I wonder if his video's could identify which of his many cookbooks the recipe (in whichever video I'm watching) is in …. perhaps I'm just missing noticing?

  6. Ami Mia
    Ami Mia says:

    How long can this be stored in the freezer? Will ice crystal forms if I leave it too long or does it have to be eaten right away after freezing overnight? Just wondering because sometimes I want ice cream available in my freezer.

  7. DuBaDuBeDu
    DuBaDuBeDu says:

    Tip: use xanthan gum or guar gum instead of cornstarch. They thicken and they also help prevent ice crystals from forming.
    Another tip: if substituting the coconut cream for something else, make sure the substitute is very high in fat. The higher fat the better (for the ice cream not ur health lmao). Higher fat = less ice crystals. Good luck 😁🤞🏽


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