Creamy Potato Bacon Soup (Instant Pot) Dairy Free & Whole30

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Ingredients: 1lb of bacon, chopped 1/2 of a large onion, chopped 3 large ribs of celery, chopped 3 large carrots, chopped 4lbs of potatoes, cubed 2 cups of broth …

23 replies
  1. Mark Cunningham
    Mark Cunningham says:

    Hi Nili love watching your videos i think you have to be an EXCELLENT cook just wanted to ask you whay is the whole 30 ? Is this a diet thing or……? Anyway thats all i have for today i hope you and your kiddos have a great day and thanks for answering all my questions !!😉😀😀😀😀

  2. Eric Hengehold
    Eric Hengehold says:

    Wow this soup is exactly what I’ve been craving. I added 3 tbsp of butter before sautéing the onions and I also added a tbsp of chopped garlic. I think I’ll reduce the cooking time down though. I cooked mine for 8 minutes and the potatoes are just a bit to soft for my liking. Other than that… your recipe is amazing. Thank you for sharing it.

  3. Susie Trentham
    Susie Trentham says:

    I came back to this video from the FAQ video you just did. As I was reading this recipe I wanted to ask, where do you get your full fat coconut milk in the containers? I can only find it in 14oz cans.

  4. Andrea Wilson
    Andrea Wilson says:

    Hi, Nili, I made this yesterday and added half a large bag of chopped kale after an initial cooking time of 10 minutes. After adding the kale on top of the potatoes (no stirring), I brought it up to pressure again and cooked for an additional 3 minutes. The potatoes turned to mush, which I was concerned about… until I tried the soup. Mushy potatoes in the instant Pot are creamy, not grainy! The soup was delicious… even better today! Just a touch of heat from the red pepper flakes and a hint of coconut, almost an elusive flavour, if you didn't know it was there (I used a whole can of coconut milk instead of a cup). I also used my homemade chicken broth (no water). Talk about depth of flavour… oh my!

  5. Mimi Ward
    Mimi Ward says:

    This is very similar to my Grandma's recipe, back in the '40s or '50's. When the potatoes are cooked, I mash them with a potato masher then add milk/cream until the texture is right. I also use a little dried dill, or fresh, when I can get it, and saute the spices with the onion. In addition to topping with the bacon crumbles, I add a sprinkle of dill. Or a small sprig of fresh dill, when available. I don't know what Whole 30 is. Guess I'll have to ask the great Goddess Google for info. 🙂

  6. Becca
    Becca says:

    I always love to see other people keeping their bacon grease. I grew up watching my great grandma, grandma and mother do it. And now I do it too. Liquid gold. Always makes me sad to see people throw it away. ❤️❤️❤️


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