Crazy Storms, New Routines, Instant Pot Soup Recipe, and Mini Costco Haul | WEEK IN THE LIFE

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It’s been a crazy week with lots of rain, storms and a tornado warning in California! No just that, but we are adjusting to new …

20 replies
  1. David Lopez
    David Lopez says:

    I have fun bet for you 9ers fans. If 9ers win I will buy you conference champion hat. I will send you a Cowboys shirt you have to wear on a pod cast! Good Luck today and stay safe! David

  2. Faye VDM
    Faye VDM says:

    I'm glad the weather didn't effect you too terribly. We had a severe thunderstorm warning here in Ohio Thursday night. I can't remember ever having severe weather here in January. Snow yes but severe thunderstorms this time of year is pretty nuts!!!

  3. Leanne Griesemer
    Leanne Griesemer says:

    1) glad you guys got a break in the rain. 2) L is so similar to B it’s not even funny! Her gas and Costco haul comments had us laughing! 3) Corey is the smoker guy, but I normally do all the kitchen cooking! And it was nice seeing you guys and your week!!

  4. Disneycruisemomof3
    Disneycruisemomof3 says:

    Had a comment typed out and accidentally deleted it. Lol. Love my instant pot too! My favorite kitchen gadget that I recently got are my silpat mats for baking. They are amazing! I sure wish we had a Costco. So happy to see you guys and glad the storms weren’t too bad for you.

  5. Kate H
    Kate H says:

    We’ve had the churro turtle chips in Australia and they are very moorish. Best that you don’t buy them…very hard not to eat. We have the self serve but it’s inside the food court.


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