CRAZY CASSEROLE NIGHT! | Simple Left-Over Ingredients

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In today’s video, Jill shows how to take refrigerator left-overs and some simple pantry items and make a delicious vegan casserole …

9 replies
  1. Ana Chevalier
    Ana Chevalier says:

    Oh goodness! My new favorite channel! You are AWESOME 👏 😎 🤩 I’m going through all your videos today while I’m working! Best thing on the internet! Yay 😀

  2. Salina Martin
    Salina Martin says:

    Wow, I just love you Jill! I have been adding beans and grains to my diet because I can't eat meat anymore. So I'm excited to try this. I haven't tried millet but gonna order today. I really need all the protein I can get!

  3. Bubbagoose S
    Bubbagoose S says:

    That’s my idea of a casserole! And the best thing…. even my meat eaters will like that. Would you say your Jillanaise (spelling?) would be an equitable sub for canned soup in casseroles? If so that would inspire so many ideas. Regarding Randy turning you in for two 33 year olds, don’t worry about that. Years ago my husband threatened to trade me in for 20- year-old twins when I was 40. Im still here.


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