Crave-Worthy Instant Pot Rio Orange Chicken Dish

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I love having a one pot meal. This worked well for the 6 of us and Mark had 6 meals for his future lunches made up. This makes up …

14 replies
  1. @user-wn1gk2kg1w
    @user-wn1gk2kg1w says:

    Good evening! I have made orange chicken before but not like this! I deep fried the chicken in batter first and made the sauce on the side. Did not use bbq sauce, i am not a fan of bbq sauce but this looked very delicious! Thank you Nessa, what a wonderful recipe to feed your friends and family! Have a lovely evening!

  2. @sherryleach2995
    @sherryleach2995 says:

    That looks great. I would use dark cherry preserves, I can't eat oranges. I think I would sear the chicken while mixing the sauce in a bowl. I'd add carmalized onion and red pepper slices. I'd use rice noodles instead of rice. Thanks, Nessa, for the idea. ❤

  3. @Robert-Harleyville
    @Robert-Harleyville says:

    Mmmmmmmm, Now that looked really delicious and simple to make, you know I like that to. LOL on your new lid, it looks good on your Rio. How do you like it so far? It's 56 and sunny here in paradise today. Take care and stay safe in MI

  4. @littlehousehappyhome1504
    @littlehousehappyhome1504 says:

    That looks amazing Nessa! I love orange chicken. What is the difference between the Rio and the other instant pot you have? Does the Rio have more settings? I’m just curious. Thanks for sharing this recipe with us. Loved that you and Mark put this together as a team! Y’all are so good at that. Thanks again. God bless you my friends. ❤️🙏


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