Cozy Winter What We Eat in a Week | Family of 9

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35 replies
  1. Susie Lowe
    Susie Lowe says:

    alll them meals looked deelish …i wondered why my bone broth doesn't gel in the instant pot ….so soup setting twice …low 240 mins …i need to get some chicken feet as that looked very good broth …☘️☘️

  2. countrystyle4life
    countrystyle4life says:

    Interestingly the pork butt does not come from that part of the animal. It’s cut from the blade shoulder primal. Pork butt used to be called a Boston Butt. The “butt” refers to when they used to be salt packed in wood barrels that were historically called a butt. The butt of the animal when cut is included in the leg primal and is technically the only primal that can be legally called a ham when cured. So in conclusion the should is a butt and the butt is a ham hahaha.

  3. Donna Plumridge
    Donna Plumridge says:

    I’m a carer in a retirement home and I work with ladies from Thailand who eat chicken feet, they love the gelatinous texture and flavour. They too told me about making chicken broth using chicken feet, they swear the broth is a better flavour.
    I’m now convinced to give it a go.

  4. Starla Sewell
    Starla Sewell says:

    Oh my gosh, that sweet baby!!! So precious! Was I the only one having trouble listening to this video for being distracted by that cutie pie?? 🤣❤️ anyways the food looks amazing!! I really want to start learning how to make homemade yeast rolls… have any recipes for those???

  5. Blayne Hackbart
    Blayne Hackbart says:

    Lisa, do you deskin your chicken feet before making broth? I was under the impression that you had to and it's one of the things that's held me back from making broth with them because it's time consuming!

  6. liraz demasure
    liraz demasure says:

    My mother used to cook the broth with chicken feet all the time. Same goes for the less popular organs of beef and lamb (no pork, we're Jewish), inside organs which I always found disgusting – so never ate from it. Tongue and even brain. Because it was a poor people's kitchen nothing went to waste. Today I mostly cook chicken, when I can get them from an organic farm (they cost here like 3 times more than non organic), no beef or lamb.

  7. Paige Lee
    Paige Lee says:

    I totally agree with you, I live by the idea that if I’m okay using one part of an animal I don’t want any of it to go to waste. Otherwise you’re just ending its life for no reason ☀️

  8. Angela Pettway
    Angela Pettway says:

    Can I ask what wrap you use to carry the baby? I am looking at different ones for my grandson that’s due this year. He will be with us most days while his parents are working. I need to be hands free!! Yours looks like what I’m looking for.

  9. Sally Smith
    Sally Smith says:

    Lisa…so nice of you to provide disaster relief to those families on top of all the countless tasks you do for your family!!! Those families are getting quite a treat when they eat your meals!!! God bless you, Lisa!!

  10. Jen Nesset
    Jen Nesset says:

    I just made a batch of senate bean soup. I portioned most of it and froze it so that I can pull out a quick batch for lunches. It’s so cozy. Just onions, carrots, celery, garlic, hambone, navy beans and spices in the instant pot and you have the perfect dupe for Campbell’s bean with bacon soup!!!

  11. roma lester
    roma lester says:

    Also I make sourdough bread at least once a week, I also share it. My sister and I are both widows. I love to make bread, I also make a wonderful wheat bread for my sons family.

  12. dauntlessdivine
    dauntlessdivine says:

    You should try you Date Lady BBQ sauce in your meatloaf. My grandfather always used more BBQ rather than ketchup and I loved it so much better!
    Isn't your "broth" actually stock since you use bones? Broth doesn't use bones and doesn't gel…right?
    Your Strata looks amazing! I've never seen that before, what a wonderful idea!

  13. alma thees
    alma thees says:

    You are a great Mom/ great cook/ good steward to the land!
    Chicken feet have always been used for bone broth. It is quirky to see but reality.
    People eat chicken leg & thighs.
    Chicken pot pie for church assisting w/ disaster relief is commendable!
    All u do while holding the most content baby strapped to you is Adorable!❤️

  14. Lee-Anne Barrett
    Lee-Anne Barrett says:

    I have no problem with chicken feet, necks and chicken carcasses. I use them frequently. Terrific broth. My mother loved to eat chicken and pigs trotters. She did come out of WW2 when food was short, so nothing got wasted.. one of her memory foods was bread and beef dripping. People eat heart of animals, kidneys, liver, lambs brains, pigs ears.


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