COZY VEGAN SOUP RECIPES | easy Instant Pot soups

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Soup season is upon us, so here are some Instant Pot Fall Soups! I hope you enjoy the video and try out these cozy vegan soup recipes ๐Ÿ™‚ RECIPE #1 PUMPKIN …

40 replies
  1. Altazmuth
    Altazmuth says:

    Many wonderful looking soups, but oil is in almost all of her recipes. Wonder how it would be without the oil. In her book, many recipes first ingredient is oil. Saute in water?

  2. SAnDee SAnDee
    SAnDee SAnDee says:

    i enjoy your videos immensely, thank you! i have diabetes 2 so i have to have very low carb and was wondering if you could do some meals that are low gylcemic friendly? really love the lasagna pumpkin meal. looks so yummy!

  3. Susan Waterworth
    Susan Waterworth says:

    Your recipes look amazing. I ordered your book and am trying your Pho and Black Beluga lentil recipes tomorrow. I would LOVE more Indian recipes (the spicier the better) as Indian food is my favorite. I find that spicy food really helps me stay committed to a whole food plant based lifestyle (I also don't use oil, so will just omit it from your recipes). THANK YOU so much for your beautiful blog and recipes!

  4. Megan O.
    Megan O. says:

    I have an obscene amount of dried lasagna noodles hanging around in my pantry and also, a pressing desire to make soup! Looks like kismet to me! Pumpkin Lasagna Soup coming up!

  5. Rose
    Rose says:

    Hi Nisha, these look delicious! Thank you! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐ŸŽ‰
    โ”โ”โ” Any chance you could make a ricotta that doesn't use tofu? I have a soy sensitivity. Thanks! ๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ’–

  6. Jill Schwartz
    Jill Schwartz says:

    These soups looks delicious! I am willing Fall to get here and I must make these! My question is should I buy an Instant pot? I have a Power Cooker but Iโ€™m not super sure on the differences between the one I have and an instant pot. The instant pot seems more versatile! I honestly just donโ€™t know. Halp! ๐Ÿ˜Š


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