Costco Grocery Haul Sept 2023

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Another haul! I know I’ve been absent a lot on here – just dealing with some pregnancy issues. Second trimester update video to …

20 replies
  1. RokSimmer (gal4God)
    RokSimmer (gal4God) says:

    Nothing wrong with being on survival mode!!! I try to buy natural products so I don’t have to put the work in!!! Here we have aboriginal stores with a lot of natural healthy products!!! My Biblical eating book recommends those products!!! We love spinach!!! I’ve tried to explain who popeye is to my kids and they aren’t impressed but they call it lettuce so I’ll take that!!! We’ve been eating a lot of figs recently!!! We buy local raw honey!!! We are coming up to nectine season!!! Sorry I can’t spell!!! I thought it be in the $500 range and I was right, but it was a little more than I expected!!!


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