Cooking With Thrive Life Food. Super Quick, Easy Recipe ! No Waste! Delicious ! #wotd

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26 replies
  1. Mary Ann Bergeron
    Mary Ann Bergeron says:

    I have vacuumed sealed beans, oatmeal, pasta etc and have water bath canned and pressured canned vegetables, fruits, meat and soups to fill my food storage pantry. I definitely like the idea of using Thrive Life as another source of food. Thank you for showing how easy it is to use.

  2. cindy wertz
    cindy wertz says:

    I'm not sure what I would make with Thrive Life foods. I have not tried them yet, nor do I have a dehydrator to dehydrate foods. I have three freezers and can food for my food storage. Hopefully I will be able to expand my food storage to other options soon.

  3. Anne Walsworth
    Anne Walsworth says:

    Hi there and I haven't tried Thrive yet, but I can definitely see the advantage to it for food storage! I'm am going to try it just to see what I think! Your ramen foies look quite goid and it's an easy lunch for sure! Thank you for sharing and have a blessed day!

  4. Crystal Curtis
    Crystal Curtis says:

    I have no Thrive Life products in my food storage yet, but am hoping to get some there soon. Thank you for your great ideas and encouragement. I hope to be able to use Thrive Life in ALL the places I would normally use fresh food (including as an out of the box snack).

  5. Jomama 02
    Jomama 02 says:

    I haven't tried The Thrive Life freeze dried foods yet…except I believe I had the pomegranate yogurt bites which were just yummmmm…I may just have to break down and try some of it to put it in my food storage.

  6. S. Lee York
    S. Lee York says:

    The only dehydrated food I have used successfully is mushrooms. I have tried freeze dried meat but none that I liked enough, for what they cost, to add to my long term food storage. So, I will try to squeeze some funds out of my budget to try the Thrive this month. Thanks for the quick lunch idea — Sandy

  7. Theresa Davis
    Theresa Davis says:

    What a great way to really jazz up a packet of Ramen with Thrive Life freeze dried products. A quick and easy recipe that looks amazing with no waste or wasted time. WOW. Food Storage is very important I have never had or tried Thrive Life but it would be a great to have.

  8. Rena LaRue
    Rena LaRue says:

    I havenโ€™t used any of the Thrive Life that I bought awhile ago. I do use a lot of dehydrated veggies though. Our favorite is using dehydrated kale leaves in Zuppa Toscana. I often use dh spinach in casseroles and veggies in soup.

  9. Patti Coach
    Patti Coach says:

    My Food Storage doesn`t have any freeze dryed foods. I have been watching alot of Thrive Life but i`m still on the fence. I`m on a fixed income so i have to watch what i buy so i don`t end up throwing anything away. When it comes to freezing left over cooked chicken or turkey i can`t eat it then. I`m thinking it`s a texture thing. It just doesn`t taste right to me and my daughter is the same way. I`m loving the recipes you make with them cause they look so delicious.

  10. miz sterious
    miz sterious says:

    Food Storage is a necessity in these times! Gosh I always want to make sure we have foods to fall back on. I don't have any freeze dried other than fruits. I do dehydrate veggies, and fruits tho for Food Storage. Are the THRIVE Items you are showing today the sale special? Thanks for bringing us along with another Quick meal vid.


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