Cooking With The Internet's Worst Food Crimes

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Today, Josh and Nicole are trying to redeem the infamous Snickle by creating their own less criminal versions. Make your own with the recipe below! MK # 067 …

43 replies
  1. DJ StaRyu
    DJ StaRyu says:

    josh is big brain. that chocolate sauce looked so intensely reduced it probably makes anything savory taste good by just overpowering the flavor of pickle with savory choccy sauce. between choccy sauce and the pork the pickle is probably present but not overwhelming.

  2. Panador
    Panador says:

    This is definitely the wrongest mythical kitchen video yet (yeah, including the pig uterus…). That pickle, the pork …
    Pig milk sauce …

    I like Josh's dish better because he stuck closer to the theme. Nicole – while definitely better on its own – shied too far away from the snickle.

  3. The Hybridkiller13
    The Hybridkiller13 says:

    Now that you cooked with the Snickle, i think it would only be right(or wrong depending how you look at it) you cook with the Olive Joy next. the unholy crossover of green olives and Almond Joy.

  4. Kelarys
    Kelarys says:

    Nicole didn't go far enough with it, but it felt so good to hear someone rant about how absolutely abhorrent it is that restaurants think they can serve shrimp with the tail on. It's worse in soup or pasta, that's when it's really a crime against humanity

  5. Kelarys
    Kelarys says:

    Is Skor for old people? Where did that stereotype come from? I guess I've been an old man since I was born, since it's always been my favourite with absolutely no competition

  6. Fallen Dawn
    Fallen Dawn says:

    I didn't love all the extra commentary, I think it takes away from the actual cooking. Maybe if it was an overall assessment after the cooking was done it would be less distracting


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