COOKING WITH MY DAUGHTER – Gnocchi from Scratch

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My daughter, Ella is back for another recipe collab! Homemade Gnocchi by her and Garden Fresh Tomato and Basil sauce by me. Can’t get fresher than this.

24 replies
  1. Zs Marsh
    Zs Marsh says:

    awww this is awesome! Thank you! Now I need to make my momma some
    homemade gnocchi. She loves making chicken gnocchi but with store bought gnocchi. Since I like to experiment with cooking things she wouldn’t try and doesn’t care with being in her 70’s I think I may try this for her. Thank you Flo, Ella and Dude. You three are cool beans. 💙🤍💙🤍

  2. 99zanne
    99zanne says:

    So I saw somewhere on the internet that long pepper was a desirable thing – I got some, and Idk if what I got was good or not, but, WOW! So, so good! I think it would be good in this dish, too. TFS, and daughter did very well! Congratulations!

  3. Kathleen Prine
    Kathleen Prine says:

    It is great for Ella to do these videos. I remember doing demonstrations when I was in 4H and it was a great way to become accustomed to speaking in public a skill that will carry on into the future.


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