Cooking With Kim.. Instant Pot..Homemade Bean Soup… Rv Life Living Fulltime..

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Kim shows you how to make bean soup from home made chicken stock using her Instant Pot. This is so fast and easy and taste great!! Please Like, Comment …

20 replies
  1. Marell Spear
    Marell Spear says:

    I just got my first instant pot, beans I have not done yet but will today, ours is a 3 quart, there are only 2 of us and I don't like a lot of left overs. I really think this will be great for my New Years black eye peas. Love your videos, can't wait to see what you do on the boat

  2. Bev N
    Bev N says:

    I'm cutting back on my salt intake, does it need the extra salt or would the salt from the ham suffice? Oh, maybe the saltiness is a personal preference. Good idea to use the ham steak. The recipe with the amounts of beans, size of ham?
    I missed you making the spaghetti; is it on your channel? I love my IP, it is so quick to make good wholesome tasting food.
    New Intro is fantastic!

  3. lakelizard
    lakelizard says:

    It's amazing how fast this is. Is this sort of like a pressure cooker with a new name? Looks like it might be safer to use than the old kind my mom used to cook and can from our garden. I remember the sputtering valve and mom saying "don't touch!" LOL


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