Cooking Perfect Rice Uncle Roger’s way. Bonus: How to measure rice with finger.

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If you want to cook the best rice, like how Uncle Roger does his. This is the ultimate step by step video (both Hersha Patel and …

50 replies
  1. Cleft Twain
    Cleft Twain says:

    This is absolutely perfect! I've never got the amount of water and heat right, so my rice was always either hard, or turned to mush. But with these instructions it turned out amazing!

  2. fatbackfunk
    fatbackfunk says:

    First of all, excellent video! Question for you, I'm just slightly confused on the finger measuring/marker part. So when you first used your finger, the marker was right around the first line in your finger and then after the water was poured in, the marker and where you poured the water up to was closer to the second line in your finger. Is this because one is for marking how high the rice (pre water) should be and the other for how high the water should be? Sorry if that's a stupid question, I just wanted to clarify before trying this method. Either way, thanks for the helpful video, I look forward to trying it! Take care..

  3. Raif Tabucic
    Raif Tabucic says:

    I tried like 5 different "superior" methods with weighing and rinsinge till water was completely transparent. Then tried different ratios of rice and water. THIS is the true way of getting the perfect rice:water ratio. Thanks

  4. Angel Teale
    Angel Teale says:

    Eating rice is such a waste of water consumption in growing, transport snd then cooking and too much hard work. But I'll give this a go 😆 byw you can also you the cooled rice water as a starch spray for your white shirts that you iron. Just dilute it a bit , spray and then iron. Free ironing spray

  5. Rebecca Lancaster
    Rebecca Lancaster says:

    That never works for me. It’s always too much water.

    I put rice in, put my finger in and touch the bottom of the pan and fill the water almost to first line on my finger. Boil the water down till the rice is above the water, then lower heat, cover and cook for ten minutes. Remove from heat and let it set for five more minutes. Perfect every time. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    TRUTHSEEKER 3396 says:

    You are the best!!! I have not ever been able to make good rice, not even Uncle Ben. But thanks to The Most High, having you make this video, I have made my very first pot of good white rice! I am so happy 😁👍 💯❤️

  7. Ruslan Bykov
    Ruslan Bykov says:

    Don't mess with your fingers, haiyaaa! Just use the same cup *same cup*: 1 cup rice, same cup water. 2 cups rice – 2 cups water. Works every time! Finger method is useless if you cook for big company. Imagine you are cooking 1 kg of rice with this method – impossible!


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