Cooking Kosher – Beef Stew

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Happy (almost) end of the winter! I hope you enjoy this yummy beef stew – and it’s really fun to make! Please share this video with family and friends, subscribe, …

31 replies
  1. Sandra Garr
    Sandra Garr says:

    This was very helpful. My husband is Bangladeshi. And they eat similar foods and no pork. They also celebrate Purim. I'm finding our so much. I also need to learn more. He's a Christian like I am. It's good.

  2. joe biden
    joe biden says:

    Your not eating kosher your eating meat with the blood in it,your supposed to wash it with water red meat so it made white beef,if your paying attention to your religion properly.

  3. Abby DeLuca
    Abby DeLuca says:

    Wow, David you have over 10,000 views as I watched this video! (I know you posted it way back in 2015, but still)!! Awesome show, and I am jealous of your Le Creuset 🙂 I love that you added the fresh (frozen) peas at the end, I may try that for my next stew. I usually use barley instead of potatoes as my starch, but otherwise very similar.

  4. Bump688
    Bump688 says:

    Your stew looks really tasty and left me feeling hungry. Thank you for sharing this with us. I do have a question though because I was surprised your potatoes didn't go to mush. What potato did you use as I know some potatos wouldn't stand up to an hours cooking?

  5. Lumpy Q
    Lumpy Q says:

    Excellent Stew David, I make this often in the Winter. I like to keep it simple and I look for Recipes by others. I am making it today for some Friends that are visiting from CT. This one is very nice.

  6. Wendy Segal
    Wendy Segal says:

    I loved this.  I particularly like that you show every single step of the meal and don't presume we know how to do any of it.  Any chance of getting written recipes with the video?


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