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Welcome back everyone! Today we are sharing another day with us! #largefamilylove #dayinthelife #EATATHOME HAMBURGER HELPER: …

20 replies
  1. Mother of One
    Mother of One says:

    Thank you for sharing the hamburger helper recipe. I look forward to making it instead of buying boxed. I have started making homemade dog food. I like that you make yours with deer. 😀

  2. lemoncrinckles
    lemoncrinckles says:

    Everleigh doing the cartwheels. Did you see her raise her arms and hold the pose? You can see her gymnastic training coming into play. So cute. Thank you for sharing your day with us, Tiffany, and a belated Happy Birthday! (:

  3. muffinmouse888
    muffinmouse888 says:

    Tiffany, I have been watching you for years. My twin sister and I would always watch your videos every evening after work. Unfortunately she passed away last year, but I still continue to watch your videos every evening just like we used to do together. It makes my day every time, you may or may not see this, but you are a true work of God. ♥️ Sending lots of love and blessings your way. Xoxo.

  4. Karen Stafford
    Karen Stafford says:

    Hi Tiffany, I have just paused the video at 4 mins 30 secs, I just wanted to say that when I do my white rice in the IP – I set manual high pressure for 4 minutes – natural release for 10 mins and it is perfect every time – 2 cups of rice: 3 cups of water. thanks now I must get back to the video 🙂

  5. felicia taylor
    felicia taylor says:

    My husband said the same thing this year lol. He’s killed 2 so far thank God. We get it in all kinds of cuts & sausage. Yum. Last year wasn’t very good either for us. Deer meat is so lean and so good! We mix ground pork with our ground deer for burgers with bacon in them too yummy! 😋 It looks beautiful there. It has been in SC too but this week starting today it’s been rainy 😩


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