Cook Shop and Decorate with Me

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29 replies
  1. Libby Sosa
    Libby Sosa says:

    Amy,I Love your Family.U have not heard you talk about Lauryn ,Matthew or Samuel,I had watched her before in your Channel and just wanting to know how they are and if they will come to Florida for the Holidays

  2. Donna B
    Donna B says:

    You talked about the discount store today and I actually went to those 2 that you went to in south Carolina about a month ago. They really do have great deals on a lot of stuff. In total we spent about $250 and filled the car to the brim. The day we went they had a lot of good stuff. Those burrito bowls you mentioned they had them 4/$1. We tried them they were delicious.

  3. Carlena Reyn
    Carlena Reyn says:

    Sazon is actually pronounced Saffron seasoning. Spanish bean soup is a really good Florida soup with Garbanzo beans, onion, ham and a couple Sazon seasoning packets, let it cook in a crockpot all day, so good.

  4. Carolyn Fulton
    Carolyn Fulton says:

    Amy, you saying you didnā€™t have fall leaves in Florida made me think of my granddaughter. My daughterā€™s family moved to south Florida from SC when our granddaughter was about 3 1/2. That Thanksgiving when they came back to SC we were going someplace in the car and it was a windy day so leaves were blowing all around. I guess she didnā€™t remember what happens to leaves here in fall. She exclaimed-ā€œWhatā€™s wrong with the trees-all the leaves are coming off!ā€ This is their first fall back in fall leaf area-she likes it! šŸ˜Š. Theyā€™re also happy not to be hot all the time. I hope youā€™ll continue to enjoy the Florida weather. They didnā€™t mind the summer heat but just longed for cool weather in fall and winter.

  5. Zarah
    Zarah says:

    Hi Amy!! I absolutely love the Christmas decorations! Unfortunately we donā€™t have this store in Australia but if they did Iā€™d definitely go.šŸ˜Š

  6. Regina Nash
    Regina Nash says:

    Amy your to cute! I know Bealls has an A in it but we call it Bells. You are not the only northerner to say it that way. I will admit it makes me smile and giggle when I hear it said that way. I love watching your videos you have helped me out of that rut finding new ideas for dinner many times. I hope you and your family enjoy your first winter and holidays in Florida. I am hoping it will be warm enough to have it outside. I love cooking my turkey on the grill because it cuts down on the heat and mess inside.šŸ™

  7. karen selogic
    karen selogic says:

    Amy you should keep your cooking spoons and things in a drawer. Been out in the open dust, and anything floated in the air can land on them . Like hair, dog hair, sand if kids shake something off in the sink and mostly dust . And dust is made up of dead human sink plus dog skin. I used to leave mine out like that until a doctor told me and said to use kids microscope and look at them. He was right . So I keep them in a drawer so less of chance that happening.

  8. Debra's Delicious Dishes
    Debra's Delicious Dishes says:

    I love the lanterns with the fairy lights. I have fairy lights all in my bedroom. I have my white lanterns in my living room. And I have like Christmas lights around them. And then I have the candle in the middle of the white lanterns.ā¤


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