Coming Economic CRISIS – How to Survive It!

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Will you be able to survive the coming economic crisis or even worse, an economic collapse? 2022 is starting off unpredictably …

20 replies
  1. Lisa D
    Lisa D says:

    Hi ladies love and enjoy watching you guys. I noticed that painting 🖼 on glass window in last video thought it was pretty from a distance wow im very impressed very pretty I love that ❤

  2. Andrea Arias
    Andrea Arias says:

    Thank you, Tears, Mike, Jill, B.J., Ellie, Dave and Jack! You have encouraged my heart so much!
    Your experiences have given you a platform to help others! I feel so inspired! Whoops! My phone spell- corrected! Thank you ❤️ Tara! It did it again!

  3. Andrea Arias
    Andrea Arias says:

    I received two dozen cloth diapers from my mom and aunt at my baby shower 36 years ago! They included diaper pins, rubber pants, diaper ointment, baby powder, corn starch, and a diaper pail! I may have used a few disposable diapers for church nursery and trips. I am so thankful that I was able to stay home while my son was young, and care for my family!

  4. C M
    C M says:

    If you switch to cloth diapers it is easy to potty train at 2 because the child feels discomfort from a wet diaper. Since so many children are wearing disposable diapers now, the potty training age has moved to 3-3.5 years of age because one has to "reason" with the child as opposed to the child "feeling" the disgusting wetness against their skin and wanting to feel dry underwear instead. Air drying cloth diapers on a clothesline is cheaper than drying in a dryer, takes little time and the sun disinfects the diapers, preventing diaper rash.

  5. Major Gardner
    Major Gardner says:

    Great video, to the lady with the diapers issue, cloth ones are still available! But people don't know or research old-school remedies, Castor Oil fixes most anything except diapers of course.

  6. D Kiser
    D Kiser says:

    I think most of these people are pulling your legs. They just want to get you revved up.On that note, we are such a throw away society we need to do with what we have and reduce, reuse,and recycle, etc. One of the best things to do is to Pray to the Lord for help with any need we have. God loves for us to talk to Him about our day He will lovingly get us straight in our lives if we just ask in the name of Jesus. God bless us all with love.AMEN.

  7. Linda Schmutz
    Linda Schmutz says:

    People need to quit being lazy and cook their own food. Then they will learn what products they need. They need to check their waste. Buy or make unpaper products now such as unpaper towels, toilet paper, kleenex, & wipes. Learn, study & prepare for sustainability. Learn and study off the grid living.
    I think we are beating the hard headed horse to death. Unfortunately there will be those that die because they did not heed warnings.

  8. monica luketich
    monica luketich says:

    Priorities! These people complaining are way too spoiled by all the things they THINK they must have. I have to go and feed my chickens, guardian dogs and goats and work on the goat barn I am building by myself- oh, and I'm 65 years old and did not grow up on a farm and had office jobs, so ranching is something I had to learn over the last 10 years! Seriously, so many are too spoiled.

  9. Lisa Willis
    Lisa Willis says:

    All I can say is umm "wow…" Those people should have unfortunately planned better. I'm going to call them "new poor". Since I'm "old poor" I can get away with it. I had a former friend tell me once that I was being selfish for not having kids and that there is assistance on expenses. Uh sorry if I'm choosing to be responsible. FYI I'm no longer friends with this person

  10. Debra Ornouski
    Debra Ornouski says:

    I love you two so much!! You just say it how it is and God is blessing you for it, so many people are quiet and not standing up. This mess we are in has made my relationship with Christ stronger and I am speaking truth more, you guys are such a huge part of that. Thank you for all you do,

  11. D L
    D L says:

    Lately I've noticed that many of the canned goods I purchase have less than a 6 mo Best By/Use By date. Are they selling us stock from the back room? Where is the new stock? (experience from MO WM Supercenter)

  12. A closer walk with thee
    A closer walk with thee says:

    I gave up going to the salon. I dye my hair at home. Way over 125.00 savings. Once it gets warmer I will be walking to work. I make my food for work. Occasionally will treat myself to a meal out (1 every 3 to 5 weeks) I go to thrift stores for my clothes. I do not buy my shoes at thrifts unless they are brand new; otherwise, I shop clearance and sales. I went to TJ Maxx and found clothes for as cheap at .50 cents.
    I go to a discount and freight stores for food and shop sales for food. I order products online to be delivered with free shipping and handling from Costco. I wait for sales and budget for what we need.
    I only pay for Wi-Fi and do not subscribe or pay for any other tv services. I did not buy my tv. My brother bought for me when I lived in an apt and they had free cable with wi-fi.
    I have learned a lot from you both and have been doing this for years.

  13. Rose Vance
    Rose Vance says:

    When eggs go on sale, scramble them with out fat then dehydrate them (either in your dehydrator or oven) then run the dehydrated egg through a blender to powder them and then store them (vacuum seal, glass jar). If you have farm fresh eggs (with the bloom still on) you can glass them (with picking lime) for storage. You can find good YouTube videos on how to do this.


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