Come see what we buy!! See what it’s like to be a Mama of Three in a store…

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It may not always be easy and I may not always have all the patience, but it’s a great life! Come along as we look at at all the fun …

23 replies
  1. lisa jimenez
    lisa jimenez says:

    I have a question… why do you kids talk “baby talk” ? I have been around several dozens of kids their age who talk normally for that age . Just wondering. I love your channel but skip the videos with the kiddos. ❤

  2. Tina Rice
    Tina Rice says:

    Hi, am glad you had a great outing. FYI, diy pizza crust, partially baked then put on pizza toppings then freeze it. Is fun family project and big money saver. Great meal option for quick meals and/or for dad's to cook. Just an fyi. Happy family time. Great job to all at the store

  3. karbear26
    karbear26 says:

    Definitely easier to go to the store by yourself! They were well behaved just extra stuff to look at that you might not have poked at if you were on your own! Don’t get down by comments on Gideon’s clothes he can wear whatever he wants! My 13 year old daughter likes to wear more boyish clothes which is fine with me since some of the girls at her school wear booty shorts that hardly cover their butts and crop tops it’s like wearing underwear to school😮! My daughter used to wear princess dresses kids taste changes all the time!


    Carolina, I hope your Mom is doing well, sending big hugs and lots of love..I was hoping that something isnt going on with your Mom when you said you were going through something, I was thinking either you had to move , or else your Mom. I hope you are coping well, life can be very tough at times,,You have a beautiful loving family, I hope that helps with your transition

  5. Kayla Leamy
    Kayla Leamy says:

    Dear Lord why are people so judgemental and mean. They're literally talking about a child, what is wrong with people, makes me so mad. I'm sorry Mama Baird, way to many keyboard warriors out there. Your video was great and so are your babies. You're a great Mama and it's refreshing to see you let them be themselves. I have 3 grown babies myself and always celebrated their individual personalities and if they wore mismatched or inside out clothes then who cares they're dressed. They're thoughts, ideas, feelings and emotions are so much more important than what they're wearing or whatever a few judgemental people on here think! Talk about a "teaching moment"…some adults need to be taught to stop judging children!

  6. Sharon Dore
    Sharon Dore says:

    I’m embarrassed by some of these comments by adult people. No , I guess just because your older doesn’t give you the title of an adult. This is a trip to Costco, not how you should raise your kids. If Mom wanted or needed your advise ( I don’t know why she would ) she would ask. Your entitled to your thoughts and opinions but you can keep them to yourself unless your asked. Great haul Baird family, carry on!


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