Come Hang Out With Me!! Merry Christmas!!

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25 replies
  1. @ilenetyrrell4484
    @ilenetyrrell4484 says:

    Sorry to hear about your mum. Hope you get to speak with your Mum soon. ❤
    Missed the Live, as I wanted to get into the shops for Xmas Eve sales before they close. Managed to get my Ham for $8/Kg, $42 total, although I had to drive over 100km away for it. 8 1/2 hours until Xmas
    Enjoy your Xmas day 🧑‍🎄☃️ Sydney is having another thunderstorm for Xmas day! Have a Merry Christmas, if you do a Christmas Live we'll already be into Boxing Day. Going ever so fast

  2. @lindabader-acosta7808
    @lindabader-acosta7808 says:

    Libraries are usually doing a reward for reading books & you can get little things & some even a ballpark ticket during their training camp or something like that. With some you can always read the books then later have a movie night watching the movie of that book like the lion witch & wardrobe series, Harry Potter series, or even the how to train your dragon, & never ending story.


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