Colonoscopy: A Gold Standard to Refuse – Why Dr. John McDougall Advises Against Colonoscopies

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21 replies
  1. Kathryn Parker
    Kathryn Parker says:

    I had one colonoscopy around age 50. He started the procedure, put me under, and proceeded to go visit all his other patients in the office. In the middle of it, I woke up and he pushed me roughly back down and they had to put me under again. I will never go back – raw Vegan for me!

  2. Tina La Placa
    Tina La Placa says:

    Dr. M., thank you for doing the research for us. You have an answer for all questions asked. l stew over your message and let it marinate so l can understand this more thoroughly. Eating well is being well. So many people appreciate you leading us to live a healthier lifestyle

  3. Jane Johnson
    Jane Johnson says:

    My mother died of colon cancer at age 85. She never had a colonoscopy. I am 75 years old and the oldest of her 8 children. Because of her diagnosis and death, we have all had colonoscopies and all have had to have precancerous polyps removed. I will continue to get the scopes as recommended. I have been WFPB for 3 years. My scopes are better than my siblings, but I will still get them.

  4. Teresa De Dominicis
    Teresa De Dominicis says:

    I believe a plant based diet can clear up and heal polyps and possibly cancer. Since my removal of 3 polyps 3 years ago I started bleeding again about 6 months ago. So I began a vegan diet and within 4 days all the bleeding and cramps were gone.

  5. Cares
    Cares says:

    Just saying… Colonoscopy screenings have saved millions of lives and sadly millions of lives lost by not early screenings. Everyone needs to listen to their own gastroenterologist or specialist on what is best for them based on their physical, medical condition. This is so scary for posted Dr YouTube videos to tell people what they should or should not do not knowing what an individual's medical condition is. I personally know someone right now in their 70s living the last days of their life with a painful stage 4 cancer because they refused early screenings. Please listen to your specialists, get second opinions, see a Dr when you know something isn't right in your body. Nothing wrong with getting a colonoscopy.

  6. Sue MacKimmie
    Sue MacKimmie says:

    I like Dr. McDougall's spiciness. He reminds me of my dad. I am with him on the money machine – you become a customer. Everyone should make up their OWN mind. No answer is right for every single person.

  7. Goldena Medina
    Goldena Medina says:

    Ugandans are BIG meat eaters. The plants they are eating ARE root vegetables but more importantly, did not eat sugar shit processed food. That may not be true today. Even disgusting cannibalism is not unknown in Uganda today.


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