Coffee Pork Ribs: Have you tried the ULTIMATE Pork Ribs?

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Learn the process and techniques Auntie Liz uses to make Coffee Pork Ribs (to her preference) in our award-winning kitchen.

21 replies
  1. CarscatsandAliens
    CarscatsandAliens says:

    So how many years if culinary school, or on job training does one need to put the title "Chef" in front of your name like a Dr? Just curious…

    We cook .. we cook for a living.
    Chef is a job title. What does a chef do? cooks.. And a bunch of other sht…

  2. Big Strawberry
    Big Strawberry says:

    i recently "discovered" coffee ice cream. What a flavour! Can't get enough of it. I bet coffee pork ribs will be same story. New thing, coffee flavoured meats. Meat tester Guga has some work to do

  3. Punk_Floyd_81
    Punk_Floyd_81 says:

    instead of a vac pack machine, you can use a large ziplock bag, then close the top almost completely shut, then submerge the bag in water until just under the ziplock, and then close it. it won't be as good as a vac pack, but it will get the job done <3


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