Coffee Chat with Cosmopolitan Cornbread

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24 replies
  1. @jackienoel2864
    @jackienoel2864 says:

    I’m so glad you have Betsy, sometimes I think maybe I need something, but don’t know what to get. Yes, be careful, you may need to notify police about what has happened just to keep things on record. And putting cameras through the woods like in Alabama would be an excellent idea cause you don’t know who and what they are doing. Barb wire excellent idea!! I wonder if there is a limit on the number of animals you are allowed to have out there? They may get in trouble over that at some point. My sister, lived in the country with weird neighbors and they set her land on fire. So definitely paper trail.

  2. @lottieguffey4148
    @lottieguffey4148 says:

    I am so sorry that people are so mean . I love little willow. She is adorable. But I understand you and her parents not putting her on there. It is happening on a lot of channels. There is one channel that I used to watch that hasn’t been posting for a couple months . And that could be the reason. God bless you and your family

  3. @annmarie3520
    @annmarie3520 says:

    Yes, we live in the Fort Bragg area. I will always call it Fort Bragg. We have one daughter living close by. One daughter and her family in NJ where we used to live and sadly, one daughter living in Calif. So far away.☹


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