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Hi Friends! The storm is over and we didn’t lose power which was great. But the snow did cause some problems as I’ll share.

41 replies
  1. @DazzleDust32
    @DazzleDust32 says:

    Hi Adelina and Sophie! I was inspired by you again recently and bought some gnocchi! Not sure what I'm going to do with it yet, but it's there! 😂
    Glad you are okay after the storm. Have a great week. x

  2. @ggbythesea9231
    @ggbythesea9231 says:

    O, just found this video update.. wasn't showing up in my feed, & was kinda worried about YOU!
    I'm on the Texas GulfCoast, & about 10 days ago, We were 14°F including the FIERCE Winds/windchill.. We were about 10 hrs without power.
    I Lived off grid for 7+ years, so I have some Skills.. but Uri in 2021, & the recent, shorter, storm & power failure were ROUGH.
    Please take Care. ✌🏼💙✊🏼💙🙏🏼💙🐾

  3. @lorrettaosbourne8680
    @lorrettaosbourne8680 says:

    Hi Adelina:) I lived in central AB for 35+yrs and now on Sunshine Coast for 12yrs. Slimy is a good word to describe it and I had a few similar situations 💩I see now why all shuts down lol Also be careful in the winter walking as everything has a layer of slime on it and it’s literally more slippery than ice…especially anything wood,walking sticks help🥾🥾I enjoy your vids-going to try the bread soon🌞Stay safe✨🍄🐚🦦

  4. @teresateresa8933
    @teresateresa8933 says:

    Great video!
    Very scary being on a hill and the car sliding backwards. Happen to me once, not as dangerous as your encounter, no cliff beside me, but very near slid into other cars.
    Glad you did ok with your van.

  5. @judimantos904
    @judimantos904 says:

    I’m expecting some snow tonight (eastern Massachusetts US), so I made a quick grocery run this morning, but it seems everyone had the same idea+ the market was packed. I thankfully have no appointments this week, so I’m just going to enjoy staying home.
    Glad you survived your short eventful ride. 😊

  6. @tennmcclain
    @tennmcclain says:

    I am glad you and Sophie are safe and warm. Here in East Tennessee, we received 8 to 10 inches. My Shih tzu and I stayed warm and cozy at home also. I love your channel, Adelina. Take care.

  7. @lorisa4559
    @lorisa4559 says:

    Transplanted Albertan here- who lives on a mountain-side in the Lower Mainland: yes, the snow is quite different here isn’t it! The snow tires DO help, even in this snow, and the tire chains will help you get out of situations. I have had to use them numerous times and they have to be put on tight! To install them tight, I would lay the chains around a small piece of 2×4, then back the van on top of the wood piece- that way, the tire is up a little and it makes chaining much easier. You only use them at slow speed, then take them off once you are out of the tricky situation. As for the storm, it was quite wicked here- over 1 foot heavy snow and blizzard like. Everything in town was shut for 3 days. Because the roads are very steep here, we don’t even try to get out because coming down is the biggest problem: Either you are out of control, or someone else is. When you go uphill, go fairly fast to keep a grip.

  8. @marirose19
    @marirose19 says:

    That rain on the roof and yum on the recipes, as usual. Keep 'em coming, Adelina! Not to add to your fun YT workload, but do you think you could make a playlist of recipes that can be frozen?

    I have a huge freezer that my partner insisted on getting. My caregiver when cooking or baking for me always makes extra to put in the freezer. It's truly been helpful. She says she was put on this earth to cook & bake; I can no longer do so bc of my illness so I truly appreciate her. And not an ounce of Portuguese in her–lol!

    Idk if you could but maybe you could just put "ok to freeze" in the particular vids' titles in the playlist. Not sure if you can do that easy enough on YT to titles already created, but if so perhaps that's a work around from having to do another playlist.

    Did I mention my Mum transitioned in the early morning hours of 26 December 2023? On 26 January 2024, I was crying left & right. Couldn't figure out why. Finally realized in the evening that it was the one month anniversary of her passing from complications of post-stroke vascular dementia. I miss her so much. The thing is, I super miss (& knew I would), that I can never ask her for one of her special recipes ever again. Seems so silly, but nurturing her family with good food made from scratch was one of her favorite things.

    She was also an amazing pianist & organist. She used to lull us to sleep each night as children w/a mini-concert. Had to stop playing her piano after her stroke in late 2017. I'll miss her beautiful piano playing undoubtedly.

    Yes, in a world where you can be anything, be kind–especially with yourself. Be gentle too. That's been my mantra lately.🖤🥗🎶

  9. @Ladythyme
    @Ladythyme says:

    Smart move…hunker down and stay safe. I don’t mind driving in snow ….done it all my life living in the NE U.S….but when I hear it’s going to be a wet mix and possibly ice…glad you are home safe and sound

  10. @ginnyshayne2702
    @ginnyshayne2702 says:

    I agree that PNW snow is different. I lived in Montana for 15 years so same climate as Alberta. Now I live on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state; again same climate as Vancouver Island. Funny parallel in our lives!

  11. @dianabythebeach
    @dianabythebeach says:

    Have you ever connected with the Cat Van Lady? Love her & her kitty. She is on the Island now. You two might enjoy a hike together in spring. She is out there dealing with snow and slush…such a trooper.
    I apologize if I already asked you this question..but I watched a movie on YT called The Baker's Son that was filmed on VIsland at Cowichan Bay, Brentwood Bay, and Chemainus. Have you been to any of these spots? Beautiful! (I think I did ask you..haven't check my comment respinses i a while). I spent 5 days on the Island mid 1990's. I stayed at a beautiful hotel on the river near Stanley Park. The rowing teams would be out before sunlight gliding along on glassy water. Loved watching them…out on the water even when the snow came.
    Snow chains..been there done that. Even though I am in So.CA needed them when in the local mountains. Always had to get some help putting them on my jeep…required even when I had 4-wheel drive. Ugh! 😵‍💫
    Stay cozy! ❤

  12. @donnamullins2089
    @donnamullins2089 says:

    Anytime you are expecting bad weather ice or snow. Back your car into driveway or garage.
    If you have heavy cardboard, asphalt shingles, carpet etc. Put something under the rear wheels. Car is much easier to steer forward and you have visibility. Stay warm and safe.

  13. @00clgordon
    @00clgordon says:

    Aside from that snow, how are you liking your new’ish community? Your neighbor sounds great! :). I love your tiny house! It seems so roomy to me. Plenty of space to move around your kitchen. The space that’s important:). Enjoy your Sunday!

  14. @user-nq7fu5ci3w
    @user-nq7fu5ci3w says:

    Happy Sunday, Adelina and Sophie. I love the sound of the rain on your roof. Is that a metal roof? And I wonder if that sound ever gets too annoying sometimes wuth all the rain we get on thr island? I've decided to do a little meal prep for the week for the 1st time. I'm sure I'll appreciate it after work. 😄
    Thanks for sharing your ideas!!

  15. @virginiavilas
    @virginiavilas says:

    Glad to see you “staying put”. I learned a similar lesson on the icy roads of Vermont 40+ years ago! Our friend Zia (and Charlie) just experienced getting stuck in desert sand in Arizona. “Tires and traction and mats, oh my!” 😄😄 Happy cooking! -V

  16. @kiddycar16
    @kiddycar16 says:

    I know the feeling when trying to drive on icy roads. It's like the vehicle has put on ice shakes or skis. Can't seem to get a handle of where it wants to go. I live on top of a ridge with winding road. An plenty of time when even got stuck in my front yard narrowing missing the trees. That's when you say my life is more important an if work what's you come in they can come get you and bring you back home.Which they did…though it only happen once. They saw where my car had put itself in the yard. Then they knew I wasn't kidding around. So stay safe and take care. Hugs to Sophie!

  17. @martykong3592
    @martykong3592 says:

    🙂 GO Adelina! Great share and Video! I HAD to LOL, as YES, our snow is MESSY like driving on a SnoCone! Vancouver REALLY got hit and checked in with Little Sis and Brother.. they depend on public transit 🙁 They were OK, but had a lot of shoveling, its also VERY HEAVY when wet stuff:( Good investment with Chains, and in some places, required to have them in Vehicle during Winter (WA State). Stay warm, dry and well with Sophie and ALL the BEST! Cheers! 🙂

  18. @judyp4421
    @judyp4421 says:

    There is a formula to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit but a simple way is to: multiply you Celsius temp. by 2 and add 30. You will be within a few degrees of the Fahrenheit temp. If you have a temp in Fahrenheit divide by 2 and subtract 30. Hope this helps!

  19. @ginnyandersen8527
    @ginnyandersen8527 says:

    Be careful walking. There are cleats for shoes that may be something you should look into if you don't already have them. They strap right over your shoes and are a real bonus if you are going to want to be out and about. We don't want you to fall.


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