Cleaning routines, schedules getting it all done

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41 replies
  1. @karensaville913
    @karensaville913 says:

    Coming from large family I learnt very early on , it was all hands on deck…my mother did the washing us girls brought it in folded and helped iron..we dry cleaned our school uniforms polished our shoes changed our linens cleaned the prepare meals etc…this gave us good standing for the future…as you are aswell Lisa..x

  2. @ysk1729
    @ysk1729 says:

    For the sake of some set rhythm, I take Monday/Tuesday for cleaning our second floor, Wednesday and Thursday for first floor, and kitchen on Friday since that’s also my grocery shopping day. If there are projects that need to be done I just work on them when I’m in that space. But otherwise, I try to do what you do and just deal with whatever I see is needed! I wish we could have one big cleaning day so everything’s done at the same time but alas, this just isn’t the season 🙃

  3. @megansullivan6056
    @megansullivan6056 says:

    I love this so much! But, my kids and husband are the pickiest eaters on this planet. Only my husband likes sourdough, they don't like fermented anything, and they don't like "salads". Not egg, pasta, tuna, olive, chicken, cucumber, potato, none of it.😢

  4. @Jewels5241
    @Jewels5241 says:

    I love what you’re saying about procrastinating when you’re trying something new. I literally just made mayo for the first time and I’ve literally been thinking about it for YEARS, I honestly think since you first ever posted about it. I always thought it would be so difficult or what if I ruined it and wasted my time… it takes like 5 minutes. Lol!!! We ran out of mayo and I told myself I wouldn’t buy more so I’d be forced to make it… that and bread and I’m still just trying to find my perfect sandwich bread recipe but the point is, I’m trying and my kids and my hubster think it’s so cool that i’m making everything for them.
    P.S. I’ve been using your sourdough chocolate chip cookie recipe for years now and everyone loves them! You’re awesome! Thanks!

  5. @caseyjohnson4195
    @caseyjohnson4195 says:

    Does anyone know if Lisa made her babies crib encasement with the curtains herself or if she bought it like that? What a great idea for sharing a room with a baby.. I’d love to figure out how to copy that for our newborn’s mini crib

  6. @mariehufnagle8649
    @mariehufnagle8649 says:

    Lisa this is so encouraging💛 I’m inspired by you often. Thank you for putting videos out here and all the care you take with your family.

    Also if you don’t mind my asking was there a pattern for this dress online somewhere, I’m currently teaching myself and my daughter to sew! Thanks a bunch

  7. @lynsmith2698
    @lynsmith2698 says:

    Omgoodness Lisa, your daughter is a sewing rock star, the dress is beautiful. You inspired me to stop the video midway thru to go clean up my flour bins and flour mill station. Hahaha great video, thanks 🌷🇨🇦

  8. @kyla3419
    @kyla3419 says:

    Haven't viewed in awhile, needed to stop comparing so took a break. This video is inspiring, and reminds me of the bigger picture for my home and growing kids, espeically now when I need the reminder as I'm dealing with a little burn out and some rough home situations. ❤

  9. @sallydeslandes7990
    @sallydeslandes7990 says:

    What a lovely episode. Your wise words can apply to so many situations too. Staying on top of things by spending more time at home and having less “stuff” works so well for me as a grandmother too, Thank you for for showing us how you do it.

  10. @rosie52111
    @rosie52111 says:

    Have you shared on any previous video in detail the set up you have for your baby in your room? I can’t tell if it’s pvc pipes your husband put together or is it a wooden structure he made for you? I’m thinking how I can replicate, neither my husband nor I are very crafty, but that idea of the curtains to create separation is awesome!!

  11. @torij1649
    @torij1649 says:

    Love all your videos!!
    Love that you keep it real while showing how beautiful it is to stay home. I a sahm w 5 kiddos 7m thru 10 year old!
    Random for this video but where dod you get ur shoes and outfit love it all. Im always hot here in iowa, so usually do shorts though.
    Keep up the great work seeing the output of homemaking in our girls as well!


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