Classic Borscht Soup – Shredded Beef With Beets & Carrots

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Here is my Borscht soup recipe straight from Kazakhstan! This delicious beef and beetroot soup will knock your socks off. Mine is …

12 replies
  1. Tatiana Fontaine
    Tatiana Fontaine says:

    I admire you. You did great! But let me give you some advice. I
    am from Ukraine. Never ever heard of using red cabbage in borshch , This is the right spelling of this soup,BORSHCH! Red cabbage absolutely changes the taste of it. No, please. No olive oil. It is not used for frying and never was used in Ukraine. Beets must be cooked first in a boiling water to get the unpleasant smell out of it. Garlic is used in the very end, just fresh, not fried. Must have more liquid otherwise it looks like porridge. And you can easily cook it without meat. And if with meat it must be sugar bone or ribs. My grandmother used white beans that were soaked over night before. They did not have meat very often in old times. No refrigerators too.

  2. Irma Arellanez
    Irma Arellanez says:

    My son in law grows beets, they are “delicious and nutritious.” Beets are in the cruciferous family of vegetables, along with the red cabbage that detox the liver. I steam beets for salads, make beet hummus, make dehydrated beet chips, but I have never made this soup before. Now that I have the recipe, I am going to give it a try. Thanks Robin for the recipe.
    P.S. The beet green tops are also delicious and nutritious and I am adding them to the soup.

  3. Alan
    Alan says:

    You overcooked the beetroot. You shouldn't boil it on such great fire and for so long. Borscht shouldn't have red color, if you overcook the beetroot it gets red and beetroot soup loses all antioxidants. As a Pole i know what I'm talking about 😀


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