Christmas Cake Recipe – Easy Fruit Cake that's beautifully moist!

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An easy Christmas cake that turns out perfect every time. No creaming, beating or soaking of fruit required! Plus tips on storage and feeding your Christmas cake …

38 replies
  1. Altoids
    Altoids says:

    What does mixed spice contain (I am not from UK)? No roasted nuts included? Do you not leave the fruits in brandy to be in refrigerator for several days? Thanks

  2. Francis Heperi
    Francis Heperi says:

    I've made Delia Smith's rich fruit cake 3x and I love it but I'll give this one a bash, looks easier. Love a thick slice of cake with a tall glass of full-cream milk during NZ summer. Cheers!

  3. Queen Mel
    Queen Mel says:

    I have made it two months ago. And I have used cherry brandy, but when I was feeding it(very frequently 5 days or less) , I mixed regular brandy and cherry. And it is amazing!
    Love the recipe. I just need to double the amount coz of the size of cake pan. I wish I can attach picture. 👌🏻

  4. Room2grow rose
    Room2grow rose says:

    My mum would marinate all her dried fruits for her fruit cake, in rum for a year!! Let me tell you, her cake had the most fabulous flavors!! She’d light it a-flame with brandy, with all the lights off for effect, and serve it with a delicious hard sauce also brandy infused!! Amazing!!!

  5. Juliet Grant
    Juliet Grant says:

    Your method reminds me of the method I use for Easter buns. I used this for Christmas cakes it's great.😋thanks for the update dated. Baking buns like this for over 10 years I never thought of making cake like this 🤝

  6. Máire Moore
    Máire Moore says:

    Tried this for the first time this year. Simple and absolutely delicious. Moist and zesty and without any of the faff of soaking & folding etc that usually take ages. This will be my go to recipe from now on.

  7. Gerardine Cranny
    Gerardine Cranny says:

    Made 8 of these cakes for the first time this year as family Christmas gifts – have had lots of messages today saying that this was the best Christmas cake they had ever had. Thanks for such a simple and lovely recipe, will definitely make again 🤗🤶

  8. Khursheed tuli
    Khursheed tuli says:

    Thank u so much! It's a lovely easy recipe n turned out wonderfully delicious. My first attempt! I did tweak it a, wee bit…..more out of necessity ….eg less nuts n dry fruits.. But enough all the same! It's been polished off already! Thx a ton again n have a wonderful Christmas dear .

  9. helenlouise1969
    helenlouise1969 says:

    Just made this according to recipe. Not for Christmas but because I e never made a good fruitcake before. The recipe is easy and the cake looks and smells amazing. Thank you 😊


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