Chris Makes Mushroom Ragù | From The Test Kitchen | Bon Appétit

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Jon Chris Morocco in the Bon Appétit Test Kitchen as he prepares a rich mushroom ragù. Whereas a classic Italian meat ragù may …

46 replies
  1. Mattie Kershaw
    Mattie Kershaw says:

    Tried the recipe! Had to use normal mushrooms, spiral pasta, and condensed milk, but it tasted awesome! The mushrooms added so much deep flavor, and combined nicely with the tomato paste.

  2. Pete Davis
    Pete Davis says:

    Wow, that looks fantastic. Going to go get cream tomorrow. I think I have everything else (except the maitakes, which I don't think I'll be able to get in these here parts.) Super easy. Pretty sure my wife will like it, not sure about my daughter. We'll see. Sometimes she surprises me.

  3. Kombi Plays Music
    Kombi Plays Music says:

    Teaching people to finish cooking their pasta in the sauce is an absolute game changer. Im torn between being upset about not having it earlier, or beyond excited I get to rediscover a love for a dish I loved when I was younger. Great job Chris ! 👏

  4. Sean Dupuie
    Sean Dupuie says:

    Mix up some thin beer batter and batter those Miatake mushrooms in relatively large pieces and fry them and you will have the best mushrooms you've ever eaten in your life. Honey mustard is the ideal dipping sauce in my opinion. I'm on board with the pasta idea, dish looked very nice!

  5. Kevin OR
    Kevin OR says:

    Cooked this. Nice dish but I implore everyone to cook the mushrooms before putting in the paste. You cannot get a good color on the mushrooms with the paste in there.

  6. Steph M
    Steph M says:

    Made this for lunch today! I happened to have all the ingredients and was going to make a different mushroom pasta dish. So good! It might become one of my go tos


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