Chocolate Jelly | Chocolate & Milk – No Gelatin, No Flour, No Oven, Really?

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I’m testing out this recipe for a chocolate jelly dessert that requires no gelatin, no flour, no oven, and just chocolate and milk? For reals? ❤️ Subscribe: …

49 replies
  1. Huda Hameed
    Huda Hameed says:

    Ok, this is a terrible click bait… coz i really thought there was no solidifying agent added to make the choc hardens… 2 minutes into the video and yup… agar-agar. A bit dissapointed tho…

  2. Quaylin
    Quaylin says:

    Love your channel! My wife and I watch your content every week! One slight comment, the slight scale up on your footage is a bit distracting. It’s doesn’t feel like it fits the subject of the video. Other than that, amazing channel and content!

  3. freeloaner30
    freeloaner30 says:

    Emmy, since your family is Burmese, I'm wondering if they've ever introduced you to a Burmese gelatin dessert called "Kyauk Kyaw"? I just mentioned this because there is a chocolate-based version of it (as well as a few other flavors) and just seeing the look of the chocolate jelly reminded me of that dessert.

  4. freeloaner30
    freeloaner30 says:

    Hi Emmy, it's been several months since I last visited your channel but I had to after coming reading this intriguing description for a unique sandwich on Quora. I don't know if you will be able to see the contents of the link but hopefully you can and will be intrigued enough to try out the recipe.

  5. j west
    j west says:

    We have been making this as a campsite desert with just agar and a carton of chocolate milk. Make it in the carton; cut open the top, maybe take out a cup, heat the entire carton in a pot of water (poor man's au bain marie), stir in the agar, let set, rip away the carton, eat, no washing up… 👍🏽

  6. Banarn
    Banarn says:

    Can I quickly just say that I am pregnant and every one of my senses make me nauseous – and I all I can watch without heaving are your videos thank you, you absolute blessing

  7. Aprilia Nindy
    Aprilia Nindy says:

    I hate the taste and texture of agar-agar 🤢 Gelatin tastes more neutral and blends better with any flavoring. Agar-agar is cheaper and easier to get than gelatin here, so my mom would make agar-agar for social gatherings and gelatin for my family 🤣 Gelatin >>>> agar-agar

  8. purple2275
    purple2275 says:

    Very similar

    Chocolate Blancmange


    4 tbs cornflour
    1 Pint (473ml) full cream milk
    1 tbs cocoa
    1/4 cup CSR White Sugar

    Blend cornflour and cocoa with 1/4 cup of the milk.
    Heat remaining milk to boiling point, add CSR White Sugar, stir to dissolve.
    Pour over blended cornflour, stirring quickly. Return to saucepan, cook, stirring, until mixture boils and thickens.
    Pour quickly into heatproof dish, cool, then refrigerate. Decorate with whipped cream and grated chocolate.

  9. athenax
    athenax says:

    It needs a better name than chocolate jelly. Pretty sure this is a very thick set chocolate pudding/egg-less custard. It looks decadent. Vanilla bean paste + salt would give it that wonderful kick. I need to make this!

  10. AlaskaSu
    AlaskaSu says:

    While there are differences between this video and the chocolate mousse one she did before, these videos are essentially the same. This is not even the first video done where she just took something that is very similar, but made slightly different. It all comes out to watching the same video, pretty much. :/

    Not exactly sure why it bothers me. I don't think it would bother me as much if she mentioned the other video with the similar recipe real quick and then gave a small example as to why she is basically making the same thing she has already done.


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