Chinese BBQ! | Chuds BBQ

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22 replies
  1. @thecovertnarcissist9437
    @thecovertnarcissist9437 says:

    Absolutely the opposite to what I like. Crackling skin is a must!. Yes, soft tender meat but the skin needs to be crackled up!. Create the boat with foil but more like a foil ring around the flesh leaving the skin exposed and all fat to drip off into an oven pan with a drip grid. Very low heat for 2.5 hours. Cover the pork block in seasoning and olive oil first. For the last 20 minutes sprinkle coarse sea salt on the skin only adding small amount of oil to the skin so the salt sticks….raise heat to very high but not top temperature. You won't believe the taste of crackling skin compared to soft skin with the tender meat.

  2. @chadcooper7348
    @chadcooper7348 says:

    I just made this last night!

    For the first 90-120 minutes, I place a tray of water underneath or near the pork belly, trying to create steamy environment. It keeps the meat side from getting dry during the cook, and helps soften the fat better.
    After that, I finish with the temp at 325 to get the top layer of fat dark brown & crisped.

    Also, I’ll typically cut the portion you used into 8 rectangular pieces.
    When it’s done, I slice it pretty thin, cutting perpendicular to the long side. The slices end up about square in shape.

  3. @MichaelC.Jablonski
    @MichaelC.Jablonski says:

    Your food has a certain enchantment to it. Although I admire your efforts, I was wondering if you could show KHAL viewers a video of you cooking.+.😍 😍😍😍.0




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