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44 replies
  1. freakyflow
    freakyflow says:

    I tried a few styles of this Key flavor is Lemon juice with the garlic/pars/oil/vin Because you get that brighter citrus tangy within the vinegar that works well with parsley

  2. Rob Boss
    Rob Boss says:

    I feel like I just watched an older version of myself follow my exact steps and process of making chimichurri. I have never followed a recipe and every batch is slightly different depending on it’s use but every batch is so fresh and delicious. I normally make a double batch that’s is about 4 times the amount I think I need and it goes fast.

  3. S SC
    S SC says:

    I love chimichurri.

    Isn't it funny how there are some Argentinian folks who say this is pretty spot-on, but some say it's completely wrong?

    Ethan Chlebowski breaks the condiment down pretty well – if you're interested.

  4. Brandon Borges
    Brandon Borges says:

    So recently I've been thinking about doing a food cart, something unique I've never seen or heard of before and I think it would be extremely popular but I don't know how to go about finding the right kind of cart for what I need


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