Chicken Salad Recipe – Cooking with Shotgun Red Recipes

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This is a classic recipe that is super easy to make and delicious. Shotgun Red’s easy Chicken Salad recipe is made with any leftover chicken and is a family …

34 replies
  1. Muzikgirl67
    Muzikgirl67 says:

    Oh my gosh! Those jokes at the end about the chicken and the memory loss literally had me laughing till I cried! Steve was such a funny and endearing man!😂😂😂 Thank you for showing this terrific summer lunch treat that will definitely be on my menu real soon! Keep the good videos a'comin', and take care! Ms. Elizabeth 😋😋😋😋

  2. Hard Hearted Harriet
    Hard Hearted Harriet says:

    How did you guys know I was going to make chicken salad? But that was hours ago and we have already eaten it. The ingredients were the same anyway except for the pickle relish. I did need a little mustard/mayo spread on the rye bread as it was a little dry and I couldn't wait to toast it either!! Will have to try it with relish next time.

  3. Marilyn Charging Crow
    Marilyn Charging Crow says:

    I miss him being live and respecting Sheila. I'm so glad and happy you two girls are honoring his memory and carrying on. I still make the pickled dollar a package hot dogs, and other recipes. Prayers and hugs.

  4. klosnoski
    klosnoski says:

    Bless ya Steve. Quick hack. When granny did this she used her bread hook and rotated the bowl opposite of the hook.
    Good hint when a gang of 50+ come to the cabin/shack or whatever. And as always. Godspeed shotgun. We still love ya.

  5. Sandi P.
    Sandi P. says:

    Looks DELISH! Who in their right mind does not like chicken salad? I've already eaten dinner, but watching this video made me hungry again. Sure do miss Steve and his high humor quotient. R.I.P.

  6. Riko Smith
    Riko Smith says:

    I luv chicken salad and diffrent recipes in how u can make it, i haven't tried it with bolied eggs yet but im going to use this recipe 😄 with the Hawaiian buns lol im making it this weekend looks delicious keep up the good work 👍

  7. Stephane SLec
    Stephane SLec says:

    I miss Steve, I still watch his videos and I love every minute of it. He was such a great soul, he's the guy everybody wished they had as a friend. I am so thankful, God Bless!


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