Chicken Noodle Soup Instant Pot – 3 SmartPoints

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Chicken Noodle Soup hits the spot when you are under the weather. I used this recipe as a base and changed the noodles …

17 replies
  1. Kristine Lajoie
    Kristine Lajoie says:

    Would you say the serving size is roughly 1 cup? It is snowing here in New Jersey today and I'm working from home. I think I will throw this together for lunch today. Thanks for sharing another great recipe and (although it is late) I hope you are feeling better.

  2. Marla Thompson
    Marla Thompson says:

    Love your channel! I just made some using leftover shredded chicken (slow cooker) and used a chicken soup base for the broth. Sauteed diced onions and carrots, added the water and chicken soup base, then the shredded chicken, corn, and a bag of frozen riced cauliflower. The riced cauliflower is great as a sub for rice and keeps the soup at 0.

  3. Jane Chafin
    Jane Chafin says:

    Kim, you said you will take requests so, please make a gingerbread overnight oats recipe. I tried it and love the ginger but something is missing so I'm passing the buck to the expert. TI A

  4. Eileen Durrant
    Eileen Durrant says:

    Your video came at the perfect time, I was planning on making Chicken noodle soup tomorrow do my family🤗 Thank you for sharing, I will be adding the same noodles you used as well. My hubby and I are both under the weather as well, hopefully our girls won’t catch it. Hope you feel better soon and thanks again!😊

  5. Rett L.
    Rett L. says:

    Sorry you’re sick, Kim! I’ve had a cold for over a week now so I know exactly how you feel. Hope you’re better very soon. Thanks for that tip about taking a recipe’s cook time & cutting it in half then adding 1 minute. I’ve never heard of that before but what an easy method to remember. Much appreciated!! Off to make some soup for myself now. 🥣

  6. Cheryl Bosch
    Cheryl Bosch says:

    I'm making this soon! I made your Buffalo Chicken Dip for our tailgate party at work yesterday and everyone loved it! I make it all the time for me & everyone asks what I'm eating, so I thought I'd try it for our party. Thanks for sharing Kim!


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