Chicken MADRAS The BEST Chicken MADRAS from scratch NO BASE

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I’m all fired up on this recipe Chicken MADRAS The BEST Chicken MADRAS from scratch no base. Having worked for such a long …

29 replies
  1. russ scott
    russ scott says:

    Hi rik,came across this recipe,and was impressed by the simplicity to make,and how good it looked,took the plunge and made it for the family,WOW! It is worthy of restaurant/takeaway quality,no longer will my watery spicey soup with lumps of meat in,be served in our Yorkshire home, well done my fellow yorkshireman,can't wait to try the dopiaza,jalfazi,and the ring stinger chilli garlic !😁😁😁😁😁 big thumbs up that man

  2. Luke
    Luke says:

    Looks good mate. A little tip I've heard about the cardamom pods is to tie them together with some string so they're easy to find

  3. Kelley Ursu
    Kelley Ursu says:

    Wow, amazing! I learned a lot from this video. I’ve always fried my onions, but I’ll be using this technique from now on. Thank you so much for this 😊

  4. GD Livo
    GD Livo says:

    Looks great as always Rik. I usually end up with the cardibomb crunch in the very last mouthful. Its very hard to get decent green cardies over here as well mate. At least yours looked fresh, even if small. I'll be giving this a try and i also have a very nice traditional style Madras recipe which I'll have to try with your onion method. How would this go with your Madras Paste?


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