Chicken Gizzards and Hearts

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Chicken Gizzards and Hearts.

29 replies
  1. @Dee-cg4hy
    @Dee-cg4hy says:

    I like gizzards and chicken hearts, but as you mentioned earlier they are tough if they are over cooked. For that reason, I only used them for my dressing to stuff the turkey. โ˜บAfter watching this great recipe, I have another reason to use hearts and gizzards. Thank you for a great dish and recipe, it looks amazing.

  2. @archiebrown5298
    @archiebrown5298 says:

    In South Africa, we call hearts and gizzards Offal. Beef, lamb/mutton and pig stomach, trotters and intestines are all offal. Thankfully, they are much cheaper than most other cuts of meat, and folks just dont know the flavor experience they are missing by not trying it. I dont totally agree that you can substitute gizzards and hearts for chicken….the gizzards and hearts have a flavour and texture of its own. I love your Southern way of doing it! I am definitely going to try your method rather than a long slow 3 hour simmer. Thanks for the well presented and edited show!

  3. @danmustarde
    @danmustarde says:

    I have my groceries delivered by Walmart. They don't sell gizzards and hearts but they do sell livers. What does the Pitmaster think about using livers for this dish?

  4. @thouston0
    @thouston0 says:

    OMG, chef, you have outdone yourself! I wish my paternal grandmother was alive to see your video. She had an 'old skool' pressure cooker in which she would cook gizzards and neckbones. We never had them with pasta, it was always over rice..She would also fry gizzards, like you said, they can be tough when fried..

  5. @dextersmithbsee
    @dextersmithbsee says:

    You're wonderful!! I truly do love gizzards and hearts, but few people even prepare them or know how to prepare them. We mostly ate them with rice and gravy, but your pasta recipe with the kale is truly something unique and original. This meal is healthy, flavorful and packed with protein and nutrients and is very inexpensive!๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸคŽ๐ŸคŽ

  6. @64samsky
    @64samsky says:

    I grew up in Baltimore, but both sides of my family are from the south. I've had my share of them fried, barbecued, and every other way you could imagine. Thank you for this recipe!

  7. @donnadarity4001
    @donnadarity4001 says:

    Wow, this is different. Usually fried, but this is a balanced meal. Usually, use these in cornbread dressing. Or fried steam gizzard. This dish is beautiful in color, and I know the taste is delicious.


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