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22 replies
  1. Nancy Gerbutavich
    Nancy Gerbutavich says:

    Love you guys, we have enchiladas often, I’m gonna try your way for a little change! I usually throw the kitchen sink in the enchilada, I’ll put rice and beans, chopped tomatoes, and cheese right in the enchilada!!! Thanks guys!!! Hi Rosie 😊

  2. Sonnora Johnson
    Sonnora Johnson says:

    Rose speaks very well for a two year old and the fact that she is learning multiple languages might delay her spoken language skills, in addition you all are turning on the part of the brain that will allow her to be multilingual. This part of the brain can only be turned on from birth to about five years old, so don't feel pressured to have her speak. What you are teaching her right now is invaluable. Communication comes in many forms at this age, cooking, dancing, swimming, cleaning, shopping, laundry, words that you can understand but others may not, playing with her dolls and other toys, using Khan Academy, and the list goes on and on. It is an honour to be able to see your precious Rose grow and learn before our eyes, Thank you for sharing your lives with us.

  3. sophie morrison
    sophie morrison says:

    I had the volume up and when I heard your alarm but I thought it was an alarm going off in my house and I flew into a bit of a panic. Then it dawned on me that it might be coming from this video and I was relieved that it was you and not me. 😊😊


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