Chef Wang teach you: "Sichuan style Beef stew", with white radish, a must-have dish in winter

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Today’s dish is “White radish beef stew”, this is not only a tasty dish, but also have further thoughts in it, both beef and white radish will warm your body, and eat …

20 replies
  1. Chef Wang Gang International
    Chef Wang Gang International says:

    Today's dish is "White radish beef stew", this is not only a tasty dish, but also have further thoughts in it, both beef and white radish will warm your body, and eat this dish in a casserole make it even better. Make it a must-have dish on Chinese table during winter. Hope you enjoy today's dish.

  2. Bill Michael
    Bill Michael says:

    Ooohhh…!!! Thank You So Much. I love a good beef stew but potatoes have too much starch for me and so it is good to find a recipe using white radish as a replacement for potatoes.

  3. CyYoung Chaos
    CyYoung Chaos says:

    在技術總結那的1,2,3,4可以用數字取代 First/Second/Third/Fourth,這樣才不會像全部的字都連在一起。


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