Cheesy carne asada tacos with green roasted salsa

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Carne asada tacos.

28 replies
  1. Daniel Hernandez
    Daniel Hernandez says:

    @Miguel’s Cookingwithfire bro I realize in every single video you say the ingredients are in the description…..where the hell is the description??? Lol I want the recipes!! Just add the recipe in the comment boxes every time you make a video and pin the comment to the top!! Please!!!

  2. cinnamon sinner
    cinnamon sinner says:

    Hello my name is Rikard Nilson, i have been eating regular and simple meals my whole life. I have never seen anything like what you make. I do not even know what most of the stuff in your videos are or powders that you use. Is the food you are making something I can buy out in a store? I would like to try that thank you.


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