Cheap Inflation Grocery Shopping Haul | Large Family of 11 Stocking Up on Groceries!

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You won’t believe all the deals in this cheap inflation grocery shopping haul for my large family of 11! Thank you to CTCMath for …

29 replies
  1. Jacquya Curry
    Jacquya Curry says:

    I haven’t been able to get my hands on chicken. The Walmarts and grocery stores near me have a lot of people on Food Stamps so when the 1st-10th of the month hits everything is GONE before the 3rd day. Since I don’t currently have a car it makes things a million times harder. But that’s gonna change this year.

  2. Jacquya Curry
    Jacquya Curry says:

    Pregnant with baby #2 in December def gonna be stacking up for my siblings, and my daughter & my hubby and I. I’m forced to get over my driving fear lol cause I need a car now with two kids. But a new car now means more grocery shopping lol. I love your meals cause they are gonna help a postpartum mama out so much ! ❤️🥰

  3. I Am Rockette
    I Am Rockette says:

    We always stop at Sharp Shopper (Winchester) on the way home from PA to Virginia Beach. Oh those glorious bargains!! Love, love, love it. 😉If it wasn’t for you, Jamerrill, we
    would never have known about it!! Thank you. 👍🏻❤️

  4. Vicki Hill
    Vicki Hill says:

    This may have already been mentioned but assure standard had a fire at their headquarters a couple days ago but unless you ordered oils or honey you may not be impacted.

  5. Mama to Five
    Mama to Five says:

    Amazing prices! The more people in your family, the more rising prices will affect you, I'm sure! I would LOVE to have a store like this close by! Love the "let's just stop by and see what we can find today", and then $400 later….haha!

  6. Brooke Baker
    Brooke Baker says:

    That's a GREAT deal on the CTCMath! I think I only got a month or two free along with the half price. And I just thought about the fact that I'm going to Virginia next month! I'll have to see how close we'll be to Sharp Shopper. 🤔

  7. Julia Kent
    Julia Kent says:

    Would you recommend the math program just as a supplement to get my boys used to using a computer (we only do Masterbooks book work) – entering grade 2 and 4?

  8. Nancy Stewart
    Nancy Stewart says:

    I looked at the store for boneless skinless chicken breasts but they were $5.99 lb. I had some frozen in the freezer that I got at Aldi's for $1.99 so I used that instead. LOL


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