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22 replies
  1. Plant Based Dads
    Plant Based Dads says:

    It's another Instant Pot weekly meal prep video. Let me know in the comments below what recipes you want to see on the next IP weekly video. These are just my favorites right here. 2 more weeks until the end of the third quarter and then summer is not far from there. Are you getting excited yet for summer?

  2. Char Covelesky
    Char Covelesky says:

    Stupid question I hope someone can answer. What's the point of water sautéing first when you can just toss everything together and bring to pressure? I've done it both wats and can't really notice any difference… besides saving time and "effort". lol Yup, lazy cook.
    I like to make a huge batch of beans and/or grains in the IP for the base of recipes for most of the week, then freeze half for convenience and variety later. (and also to prevent spoilage if I make more than one variety). I always soak them overnight first… I know it's not necessary but I find I get a much better and more consistent result and save time to boot. I don't know if they're old or what, but many times after I've cooked beans and and test a few for doneness, there are those sneaky ones that stay hard and crunchy, gross. Soaking seems to mostly eliminate that issue. (and also cuts gas problems for those who don't eat beans often enough!)

  3. Uglyface
    Uglyface says:

    He have all bean missing Tim. I'm do meal prepping the same way without the hyper organized boxes like on instagam. I'm going to definitely make the burritos today, great idea


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