ChatGPT Knows More about Dietary Disease Reversal than Most Doctors with Dr. Klaper and Dr. Burns

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23 replies
  1. @annsikes5846
    @annsikes5846 says:

    Good nutrition stands as the cornerstone of health, influencing every aspect of our well-being. What we fuel our bodies with directly impacts our physical vitality, mental clarity, and overall longevity. It serves as the foundation upon which our body's functions, from cellular repair to immune response, are built. Simply put, prioritizing nutrition isn't just a choice; it's a fundamental necessity for optimizing our health and vitality. I have had a passion for good nutrition since I was a little 4 year old girl when my Mom bought me my first little oven. Something in my brain clicked and I've been encouraging good nutrition ever since. AJ, you're the best host ever!

  2. @g.e.boroush5176
    @g.e.boroush5176 says:

    I think it's important to understand that high blood sugars are a symptom of diabetes, the cause of which is a high fat diet and fat buildup in the body.
    Dr. Klapper, Dr. Burns & Chef AJ, you are THE BEST!!

  3. @bob9749
    @bob9749 says:

    While listening to and as a result of content in this video I decided to try chatgpt. I asked it for a 2 day meal plan for an obese patient with hypertension, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes and prostate cancer. The result came back with eggs both mornings, multiple meals with olive oil, chicken, turkey, fish (salmon one night, cod the other) and cottage cheese. From the standpoint of nutrition it is a great example of garbage in, garbage out, though at least it wasn't suggesting butter and processed meats.

  4. @judychancey5781
    @judychancey5781 says:

    This has to be one of the most innovative interviews you’ve had. And I am so impressed with Dr. Klaper that he would be the one to bring it up. I actually signed up for an account. Wow!

  5. @hugomarquez3189
    @hugomarquez3189 says:

    ChatGPT is still ran by human biased information. If you ask ethical questions, such as if it’s ok to eat animals, it gives you a wishy washy answer, about people having preferences, but if you ask it about dog meat recipes it tells you it’s unethical. In a word, a mess. Don’t look for objectivity in ChatGPT.

  6. @maureenk1635
    @maureenk1635 says:

    Two about 70 year old men that I know have vertigo symptoms and have stopped exercising, except when they feel like it which is less and less, of course. When I propose WFPB, SOS-free diet they refuse. Gotta have those cheeseburgers and pizza!

  7. @JR954
    @JR954 says:

    I was totally surprised that Kaiser is promoting Dr. Jason Fung’s plan(high fat, low carb diet). Kaiser was promoting a whole food plant based diet and has farmers markets at various locations.

  8. @RichS.73yroldbodybuilder
    @RichS.73yroldbodybuilder says:

    Google is funded by ads and that’s the biggest problem about getting information from Google. All these sponsored ads and even the information that aren’t sponsored are paid for by the sponsor ads.💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


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