Chaos Before it gets Better || Large Family Vlog

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It always gets worse before it gets better, right! LOL! That’s what I am telling myself several times a day through this moving …

48 replies
  1. Inky Stroul
    Inky Stroul says:

    I don't usually comment but I just had to tell you that ya'll are in my prayers – I completely understand the feelings you're having – moving (especially a large family like yours!) brings on frustration, feeling overwhelmed, sadness (letting go of things that meant so much!), giddiness (when you're so tired all you can do is giggle!), and in the end – when it's all packed and loaded, relief and peace! Of course then all the chaos begins again when all those boxes get unloaded at your new place!!! But I know you'll be fine – you'll get through this with flying colors! And God will be right there with you – cheering you on and holding you up when needed.
    I'll keep ya'll in my prayers – sending you all a lot of love from over here in Central Texas! ❤❤❤

  2. Toni's Angel
    Toni's Angel says:

    Jessica we are all here for you sweetie ..lean on our father as you do and all of us. God has beautiful plans for you and your family..🙏 I've been there and I promise its for a good reason yes its hard… I know! ! I've been praying for this little journey goes well and that God gives you peace on your heart and your husband also 🙏 I live in Ocala and I have caught myself seeing rentals and thinking oh that would be perfect for ya'll! God Bless Y'all sending big hugs and lots of love..push that devil behind you and know God's got this…💥🙏💥😘🤗🌟

  3. Crystal Marxen
    Crystal Marxen says:

    I just wanted to say once again, your doing great momma. Take a second to breathe and remember take care of yourself too. So many prayers, remember this is just a stepping stone. 🙂 ❤❤❤

  4. Our Herd Of Turtles
    Our Herd Of Turtles says:

    I completely understand the anxiety with all the stuff! And large families have lots of stuff! When I have a pile of get rid of stuff, I haul it straight out to my car, and there it sits until I get into town to drop it off.

  5. Lin Haton
    Lin Haton says:

    Remember, your viewers support you and your lovely family. At the end of the day, you are only one woman with the limitations we all have. Your faith will see you through. Take care of your self.❤️

  6. Marleen G.
    Marleen G. says:

    Packing up is such an emotional roller coaster. I can imagine it is not easy. Went through it one time and only moved from the room in my parents' house to a new (build) apartment downstairs. My parents added onto the house due to my disability. So I have virtually all of the ground floor. My folks were so sweet doing this for me. It says a lot about the dynamics in my family.

  7. Marleen G.
    Marleen G. says:

    McDonalds at one point had a calorie list, surprisingly an article in the paper said you were better off getting a burger because the salad was more calories. Research it sometime! I am not sure that they got better about it because that was years ago that article!

  8. Tammy Langerud
    Tammy Langerud says:

    I just want to jump in this video and help you pack so much lol! I know how much work it is, especially with kids! I live in Minnesota, so you'll be moved by the time I get to you, but know this! I'm helping you pack in my mind and by my prayers!🙏👌👍👊. You guys got this! I know this is just the beginning of wonderful new blessings unfolding for all of you! Your story has just started. And it's about to become amazing, and better then anything you can imagine. Hold on to that image! Love you all!

  9. Sharon Evans
    Sharon Evans says:

    You should see our garage it has a pathway from the door to the garage doors. We moved nine years ago and put boxes in our garage saying we'll slowly go through them and purge what we don't want or need. We started but didn't get far. It'll be interesting to see all whats in there. LOL

  10. Tonya from Georgia
    Tonya from Georgia says:

    Moving is exhausting for everybody, more so with little ones I know…just take it day by day,
    Let those deep breathes out (stress reliever) and if you need that bacon burger, have it, stress eating helps sometimes too LOL….
    You’ll get it all done and will look back on it in a month or so with some relief of having that part behind you. Just take many deep breaths!

  11. Ruby Taylor
    Ruby Taylor says:

    I know it’s hard but you take care of yourself and get some rest it’s so good that you have a lot of helpers. Thank you for sharing with us praying for you all that everything will work out and go smoothly.
    Ms Ruby

  12. LM Wright
    LM Wright says:

    May I suggest using a different color of duct tape for each room of your house. An example is bright green for kitchen, red for moms bedroom , blue for bathroom etc. This way anyone can tell at a glance which room the box goes in. We’ve moved 7 times and we found this to be the best way to avoid “ what box is the tp in”? 😂🙏 for you all.

  13. gaming waffle
    gaming waffle says:

    This too shall pass. Hang in there. You got this. You are an amazing woman. I am going thru something similar but there is only 3 people in my house. I can't imagine how much work you are having to do. If anyone can do it, it's you. Breath Breath

  14. Sara place
    Sara place says:

    Love public store .. good job eating healthy choice.. dont forget chocolate treat .. remember this wont last long..pack up one room at a day at a time.. you got this 💕

  15. carol rifon
    carol rifon says:

    Keep those wooden placks.. you have more boys.. I hate to get rid of stuff.. men are never like that.. When do you move?? I have been praying for you for a year… God is good, it will work out and probably be better when its over… My heart hurts for you Jessica..

  16. ginger holland
    ginger holland says:

    Moving is just hard! Clothes are the worst to have to pack. I always tried to think of it as a good time to purge. I am sentimental as well and I usually end up crying at some point. I’m sending prayers for you and your family and know it will all be good! ❤️🙏🏼🌹


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